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Czech Republic bans fur farming, saving 20,000 animals a year

Czech Republic becomes 14th country to phase out fur farming

The Czech Republic has today become the 14th country globally to completely ban fur farming, sparing around 20,000 foxes and minks every year who would otherwise spend their lives in cramped, barren cages and suffer painful deaths by gassing or electrocution. Humane Society International, which campaigns globally to end the cruel fur trade, has enthusiastically welcomed the ban, which will be phased in over the next 18 months.
President Milos Zeman signed the fur farming bill into law after huge majorities in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate passed the measure. The law stipulates that the country’s nine fur farms must close by 31st January 2019. 
Joanna Swabe, senior director of public affairs for HSI/Europe, says: “The Czech Republic’s decision to ban cruel fur farming is an immense victory for animals, sparing tens of thousands of them every year from short miserable lives in small wire cages, ending in horrible deaths. This ban strikes yet another blow to the fur industry, and we hope to see other countries follow the Czech Republic’s example by joining the fast-growing list of compassionate nations refusing to allow cruel fur farming within their borders.”

The ban has enjoyed wide public support from across the Czech Republic. A 2017 opinion poll showed that 83 per cent of Czechs back the law to close fur farms.
Lucie Moravcová from Czech animal charity Svoboda zvířat says: “We are thrilled by today’s decision. We believe that this is a result of a development of values across Europe where society is becoming more conscious and considerate towards those who cannot defend themselves. Passing the law that bans fur farming represents an historical milestone in animal protection in the Czech Republic. Our society has come to an agreement that animals are sentient beings whose lives have value and that this value is more important than the frivolous wants of the fashion industry.”
The Czech Republic joins Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, the Netherlands, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and five other countries in banning fur farms, with bans also being considered in Belgium and Luxembourg. Germany and Switzerland have regulations requiring such high welfare standards that they effectively make it impossible to continue farming animals for fur. 
Media contact:
HSI UK: Harriet Barclay,, +447794 354 596