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Canada’s Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act clears Senate

HSI, Animal Alliance and LUSH Cosmetics celebrate half-way mark in #BeCrueltyFree Canada campaign

OTTAWA—Canada has reached the half-way mark in becoming a cruelty-free cosmetics market with a final endorsement of Bill S-214, the Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act, by the Senate. The proposed legislation, which would prohibit both domestic animal testing for cosmetics as well as the sale of cosmetics that have undergone any form of new animal testing after the ban comes into effect, will now move to the House of Commons. The bill was amended in the Senate to include a phase-in period to allow industry time to comply with the legislation.

The bill’s Senate sponsor, Sen. Carolyn Stewart Olsen, stated: “I’m pleased that the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, which I introduced in 2015 in collaboration with Humane Society International and Animal Alliance of Canada, has been endorsed by my colleagues in the Senate. It is my sincerest hope that Members of Parliament will act swiftly to make cosmetic animal testing a thing of the past. The time has come for the Canadian Government to step forward and take action to prohibit cosmetic animal testing and bring Canada into the 21st century.”

HSI’s Vice President of Research & Toxicology Troy Seidle, said: “We are grateful to Senator Stewart Olsen for her leadership in achieving today’s important milestone for animal welfare in Canada. Already 37 countries – including the world’s largest beauty markets -- have taken action to ban cruel cosmetics, and it’s high time Canada did the same.”

“As a leading cruelty-free company, LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics has supported this bill with enthusiasm and we thank the Senate for making the right decision," said LUSH spokesperson Tricia Stevens. "Once passed, the Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act will set Canada apart as a leader and will allow the cosmetics industry to thrive and provide consumers with the products they want."

Animal Alliance of Canada Director Liz White added, “We urge Members of Parliament to listen to their constituents, the overwhelming majority of whom support federal legislative action to bring an end to the cruelty of cosmetic testing in Canada. We look forward to working with all parties to see this bill become law. No animal should ever again be made to suffer for the sake of human vanity.”

Media Contact: Christopher Paré, o: 514-395-2914 x 206, c: 438-402-0643, email: