Blue eyes peeked out
Barely visible beneath a tangle of filthy, matted hair, the dog’s blue eyes reflected fear mixed with hope as his rescuers lifted him off a truck in Qinhuangdao, China last month. He and 194 others had been on the way to a
HSI in Sri Lanka
Better laws will offer greater protection. HSI Cruelty to animals persists for many reasons, including ignorance, lack of laws and redundancy of existing laws. In Sri Lanka, the legislation that defines this issue—The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance No. 13 of
Reducing EU consumption of animal foods
Humane Society International/Europe is working hard to reduce the consumption of animal foods in the European Union. Consumption of animal foods in the European Union Worldwide, more than 77 billion land animals were raised for meat, eggs, and milk in 2013 alone
Victory! Animal Sacrifice Banned at Nepal's Gadhimai Festival, Half a Million Animals Saved
New Delhi—In a move that will spare the lives of millions of animals over coming years, animal sacrifice has been cancelled indefinitely at Nepal's Gadhimai festival, the world's biggest animal sacrifice event held every five years for around 265 years. The decision
Yulin Dog Meat Festival Provokes Global Fury
For the last two mornings, Adam Parascandola, director of animal protection and crisis response for Humane Society International, has woken up at 3 a.m. in China to bear witness to one of the most horrific scenes you can imagine: the slaughter of
Equipping China's Animal Advocates
by Peter Li 2014 was a banner year for China's animal protection movement. In particular, the campaign against eating dog meat gained significant momentum. In March, a nationwide protest called for the shutdown of the Yulin "Dog Meat Festival," an annual event
Kittenish for Kathmandu!
When Gwen Cooper, mom of celebrity feline Homer the Blind Wonder Cat, heard that millions of animals had been injured or fallen ill as a result of the calamitous earthquakes in Nepal, she wondered how to help. Finally, she hit upon a
Freed From Their Cages
On April 17, 2015, HSI helped rescue 64 dogs—including poodles, Maltese, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers and Pekingese—from a puppy mill in Costa Rica. Neglected and used Many had been kept in overcrowded, filthy aerial enclosures and had never seen sunlight or
Anton Aguilar
Anton Aguilar is the Executive Director of Humane Society International/Mexico, based in Mexico City. Mr. Aguilar holds an M.A. in Comparative Politics from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po Paris) and a B.A. in International Relations from El Colegio de Mexico
Working toward a Humane World
"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.
Jean Chung/HSI