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EU noch immer ein zentraler Absatzmarkt für gestohlene Wildtiere
BRÜSSEL/MÜNCHEN, HAMBURG, Deutschland—Die Länder der Europäischen Union sind noch immer eine der wichtigsten Drehscheiben und Zielländer für Wildtiere, die aus Lateinamerika, Afrika, dem Nahen Osten, Asien und Ozeanien "gestohlen" wurden. Dies geht aus einem neuen Bericht hervor, der heute von Pro
EU continues to be a major destination for stolen wildlife
BRUSSELS/Munich—The European Union continues to be a main hub and destination for stolen wildlife from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania. A new report released today by Pro Wildlife, Humane Society International and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Stolen Wildlife
Anche gli animali votano
Roma—I punti programmatici delle tredici organizzazioni promotrici del manifesto Anche gli Animali Votano, sottoscritti interamente da cinque forze politiche e ripresi in parte e per singoli obiettivi dagli altri partiti, saranno portati nel Parlamento, che si insedierà il prossimo 13 ottobre, da un
Italy's largest hunting fair no longer welcome in Vicenza
VICENZA, Italy —Martina Pluda, director for Italy at Humane Society International/Europe, states the following regarding the announcement by IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA to discontinue HIT Show, the hunting fair: “I welcome the decision by IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA to no longer organize
La più grande fiera venatoria italiana non è più gradita a Vicenza
VICENZA, Italia—Martina Pluda, Direttrice per l’Italia di Humane Society International/Europe commenta come segue l’ annuncio di IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA di dismettere HIT Show, la fiera della caccia: “Accolgo con favore la decisione di IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA di non riproporre più
Consumers can improve farm animal welfare standards on World Farm Animals Day
CAPE TOWN, South Africa— Sunday, 22 Oct. 2022 is World Farm Animals Day, an opportunity for members of the public to recognize the suffering and climate impacts of the approximately 88 billion land animals who are bred, raised and slaughtered globally for human consumption each year. This year
Liz Truss urged ‘Don’t Betray Animals suffering for fur and foie gras’ in 300,000-signature petition led by Chris Packham
LONDON —A week after a senior Conservative MP told Politico that the government intends to drop plans to ban cruel fur and foie gras, campaigners from animal NGOs Humane Society International/UK, FOUR PAWS UK, and PETA have gathered outside Downing Street to hand in a petition with over 300,000
HSI/India and People for Animals launch a multi-state billboard campaign #NoMore50
NEW DELHI—On World Animal Day, Humane Society International/India and People for Animals have jointly launched a multi-state billboard campaign as they continue to demand an amendment to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Started in 2016, the #NoMore50 campaign seeks an amendment of
Global economic crisis threatens survival of world’s only international whale conservation body, warns NGO ahead of IWC68 in Slovenia
LONDON—Ahead of the upcoming 68th meeting of the International Whaling Commission which begins on 13th October in Slovenia, animal protection and conservation non-profit Humane Society International warns that the very future of the IWC and the global moratorium on commercial whaling could be in
La crisis económica global amenaza la supervivencia del único organismo internacional de conservación de ballenas, advierte una ONG antes de la CBI68 en Eslovenia
LONDRES— Antes de la próxima reunión número 68 de la Comisión Ballenera Internacional (CBI), que comienza el 13 de octubre en Eslovenia, la organización sin fines de lucro de bienestar animal Humane Society International (HSI) advierte que el futuro de la CBI y la moratoria global sobre la caza
One-year paralysis and missed opportunities: European Commission urged to act now to end animal testing
BRUSSELS— Just one year following the adoption of a groundbreaking resolution by the European Parliament to reduce the use of animals in scientific experiments asking the European Commission “to set reduction goals […]through a more proactive implementation of the current regulations on the safety
EU-Parlamentarier*innen fordern die EU-Mitgliedsstaaten auf, den Schutz von Wildtieren zu verbessern und die Einfuhr von Jagdtrophäen geschützter Arten zu verbieten.
STRASBURG, Frankreich - Das Europäische Parlament hat eine Resolution angenommen, in der es deutlich die Ziele der Europäischen Union für das bevorstehende Treffen der Vertragsparteien des Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen (CITES) formuliert. Anlässig der 19. CITES Konferenz im November in
MEPs urge EU support for proposal to increase international protection for endangered species
STRASBOURG, France—Today, the European Parliament adopted a resolution unequivocal in its demands regarding the European Union’s objectives for the upcoming meeting of the parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. While Parliament is making clear statements about
Eurodeputati chiedono il sostegno dell’UE per aumentare la protezione internazionale delle specie a rischio estinzione
STRASBURGO—Oggi il Parlamento Europeo ha adottato una risoluzione importante, nella quale sono formulate domande specifiche riguardanti gli obiettivi dell’Unione Europea, in vista della prossima Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie minacciate di
Parlament Europejski za ograniczeniem importu trofeów łowieckich
WARSZAWA, Polska—W opinii międzynarodowej organizacji ochrony zwierząt, Humane Society International/Europe, pomimo jasnego oświadczenia Parlamentu Europejskiego w sprawie wyeliminowani luk umożliwiających nielegalny handel i wprowadzenia zakazu importu trofeów łowieckich z gatunków wpisanych na
Future-proofing egg production in Malaysia
Note: This event has now passed, but you can watch the related video here. Date: March 18, 2023 Location: Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Attend the event, either in person or online, and learn about the cage-free egg movement sweeping across the globe. View the agenda Learn more from our event poster
Führende Tierschutz-NGOs fordern Verbot der Einfuhr von Jagdtrophäen
BRÜSSEL—Humane Society International/Europe (HSI), Pro Wildlife, Born Free Foundation, Eurogroup for Animals und Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) haben heute bei einer Veranstaltung im Europäischen Parlament, die von der deutschen Europaabgeordneten Manuela Ripa (ÖDP, Grüne/EFA) ausgerichtet
Leading animal protection NGOs call for ban on hunting trophy imports
BRUSSELS — Humane Society International/Europe, Pro Wildlife, Born Free Foundation, Eurogroup for Animals and Pan African Sanctuary Alliance today presented a new report at an event at the European Parliament, which was hosted by German MEP Manuela Ripa ÖDP, Greens/EFA. The report highlights how the
Representatives from 184 countries will meet in Panama next month to determine the fate of 600 species
WASHINGTON—The 19 th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora—known as CITES—will meet November 14-25 in Panama City, Panama, where delegates from the 184 member countries will consider 52 proposals to increase or
Destino de 600 especies de vida silvestre se analiza en reunión de CITES, en Panamá
PANAMÁ—Representantes de 184 países determinarán el futuro de cientos de especies de animales y plantas silvestres en Ciudad de Panamá, con motivo de la 19 a Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres, conocida como