Mexico City—To mark World Spay Day, teams of volunteer veterinarians spayed and neutered 409 cats free of charge throughout Mexico City. Local veterinary clinic, Cemegatos, executed the effort with support from Humane Society International. The campaign ran Feb. 22 to Feb. 26 and involved eleven veterinarians and 16 assistants.
Dr. Claudia Edwards, DVM, HSI/Mexico programs director, said: “Cats are wonderful pets. They’re often overlooked in spay/neuter efforts and this is why it is so important to promote their inclusion in humane population control campaigns accessible to people without the means to pay for this service.”
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World Spay Day shines a spotlight on the power of affordable, accessible spay/neuter services to save the lives of companion animals, community (feral and stray) cats and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in shelters or killed on the street. Mexico has an acute street cat and dog problem, with an estimated 23 million free roaming cats and dogs.
Throughout the year, HSI collaborates with organizations across Mexico to bring veterinary services to thousands of street dogs and cats. We also provide training opportunities to veterinarians working on private and government-sponsored spay/neuter campaigns across the country.