Un oso en la Peninsula de Osa en Costa Rica. HSI
Note: this version was edited from its original.
Humane Society International/Latin America applauds the passing of the regulations for the Wildlife Conservation Law in Costa Rica. The new regulations allows Costa Rica’s Ministry of Environment and Energy and its conservation agency, SINAC, to help establish important provisions to protect wildlife from trafficking and support wildlife rehabilitation programs. HSI/LA played an active role in drafting the regulations as part of the National Wildlife Commission.
The new regulations include necessary instruments to support the work of wildlife rescue centers, facilitate collaboration in the fight against illegal trafficking as well as implementing provisions for wild animals and plants. The regulations also establish the National Wildlife Commission as an advisory body to Costa Rica’s environment and conservation agencies. Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solís celebrated the regulation’s signing in Caño Negro during an event that also marked the inauguration of the new facilities of the Natural Wildlife Refuge of Caño Negro.
Andrea Borel, executive director of HSI/LA, who attended the ceremony, said: "These regulations are not only an undisputed victory for wildlife, but also ratify Costa Rica's commitment to animal welfare. We will continue working together with MINAE, SINAC and other government institutions involved to achieve and implement the law, and ensure more humane treatment of wildlife throughout the country.”
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Although the new statutes go a long way in ensuring animal protection under the law, HSI/LA also hopes it encourages Costa Ricans to show sensitivity, empathy and respect for wildlife, in alignment with the country’s respect for all forms of life.
HSI/LA congratulates President Solís and Minister of Environment and Energy, Édgar Gutiérrez for signing the new regulation. The organization also praises the members of the National Commission of Wildlife for their work in the writing of the regulations.
- HSI/LA and SINAC signed a cooperation agreement this year to promote initiatives on the protection and conservation of wildlife in Costa Rica.
- The illegal wildlife trade is one of the largest criminal trades in the world and is linked to violence, drugs and human trafficking. Wildlife trafficking threatens the survival of many species and results in the inhumane treatment of billions of animals each year worldwide.
Media contact: Raúl Arce-Contreras: + 1-301-721-6440; rcontreras@humanesociety.org