Mink in a cage. Respect for Animals UK
Humane Society International campaigns throughout the United Kingdom and Europe to raise awareness of the cruel and unnecessary fur trade.
Every year, more than 50 million animals are raised and slaughtered on industrial factory farms or trapped in the wild so that their pelts can be turned into frivolous fashion items.
Few people comprehend the true scale of the suffering and death of wild animals for fur garments, or realise that a purchase of fur or fur trim supports the continued existence of such a brutal industry.
Fur labelling
HSI is campaigning for a system of labelling that would require manufacturers to clearly state if an item contained real fur. Aside from the important ethical concerns involved, some people are allergic to real animal fur.
Working with politicians, HSI is supporting a labelling system that would ensure manufacturers have to clearly state if an item contained real fur - allowing compassionate consumers to choose not to support a cruel and unnecessary industry. Laws have already been introduced in several states in the United States requiring all real fur and fur-trimmed clothing to carry a label. In May 2011 the European Union adopted a new Regulation requiring the mandatory labelling of animal fur.
More than 220 UK Members of Parliament have signed an Early Day Motion supporting the introduction of clear labelling of garments made of real fur.
Fur farming in Europe
After a long campaign, fur farming was banned in the UK in 2000.
Elsewhere in Europe, HSI UK is working closely with politicians to improve the welfare of animals raised and slaughtered on factory farms for their fur.
Considered in May/June 2009, a European Commission proposal for a Council Regulation to update the existing directive on the protection of animals at the time of killing resulted in some progress on better treatment of animals on EU fur farms.
HSI continues to work towards securing an end to the cruel and unnecessary fur trade.
Securing a ban on cat and dog fur in Europe
On 19 June 2007, the European Parliament voted unanimously to ban cat and dog fur from being imported, exported and traded in European Union countries. The ban took effect on 1 January 2009.
This decision marked the culmination of an eight-year campaign by the Humane Society International, working closely with Members of the European Union and Members of Parliament in the UK.