Emily McIvor is Policy Director, Research and Toxicology Department.
McIvor has worked on animal welfare issues at European Union level for many years, specialising in those concerning the use of animals in research and testing. As one of the lead animal welfare lobbyists in political negotiations of the EU Cosmetics Directive 7th Amendment, the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) regulation, and most recently the revision of Europe's legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, McIvor has extensive experience of regulatory test issues and the development and validation of alternative, non-animal methods.
McIvor represents HSI/Europe on the stakeholder "mirror group" of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing, and on the management panel of the European Union-funded AXLR8 (pronounced "accelerate") project.
On broader animal welfare issues, McIvor has contributed to discussions relating to the current and future Community Action Plans on the Protection and Welfare of Animals, and has addressed the European Parliament’s Animal Welfare Intergroup.
In August 2011, Emily was awarded the prestigious Henry Spira Award by the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the cause of animal welfare.