No Battery Eggs: Resources
Learn more about the cruelty of battery eggs and find resources to avoid them: Cage-Free Egg Production vs. Battery Cage Egg Production Scientists and Experts on Battery Cages [PDF] A Comparison of the Welfare of Hens in Battery Cages and Alternative Systems[PDF]
Lights Out Toronto
Migratory birds and city lights Every year, thousands of birds are injured or killed on migratory pathways when they became confused by city lights. Many more birds are killed by collisions with buildings than by oil spills. In fact, an estimated one
Gestation Crates in Canada
Each year in Canada, more than 1 million sows are subjected to some of the cruelest farming practices yet devised by the agriculture industry. These unfortunate animals are intensively confined throughout their pregnancies in metal stalls so small that the sows are
Foie Gras in Canada
Paté de foie gras, translated from French, means "fatty liver." This so-called gourmet delicacy is undeniably the product of extreme animal cruelty. Force-fed cruelty Factory foie gras farms intensively raise ducks and geese in large, enclosed barns. For the last few weeks
Basic Vegetarian Nutrition
J. Gabriel/Stock.xchng While studies have shown the many health benefits of vegetarian eating, merely removing animal products from your diet doesn’t automatically ensure good health. As with any eating plan, it’s important to know some basic nutrition information. Staying physically active, avoiding
Battery Cage Eggs
Battery-caged hens suffer terribly. HSI Worldwide, hundreds of millions of egg-laying hens are confined in small, wire enclosures known as battery cages. Battery cages are so cramped that the hens are unable to perform many important natural behaviors, including walking, perching, dust
Intensive Confinement in Brazil: Learn More
Background information Egg Production Using Battery Cages Pork Production Using Gestation and Farrowing Crates Report The Welfare of Intensively Confined Animals in Battery Cages, Gestation Crates, and Veal Crates: Read HSI’s report detailing welfare concerns with these intensive confinement systems. [PDF] Fact
Crammed into Gestation Crates
Pigs are one of the smartest animals on Earth. Highly social, intelligent, and curious, they engage in complex tasks, form elaborate, cooperative social groups. Scientists have demonstrated that pigs are capable of playing simple video games, learning from each other, and even
About HSI in Brazil
Humane Society International (HSI) and our partner organizations together constitute one of the world’s largest animal protection organizations. We work globally to protect animals in laboratories, farm animals, companion animals, and wildlife. We participate in international forums such as the Food and
Working toward a Humane World
"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.
Jean Chung/HSI