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Press Release
Don't Buy Wild: Products, food & exotic pets

It is likely that when traveling, you will want to purchase unique items or sample local/exotic cuisine to enhance your experience and create lasting memories. It is important to be well-informed so that your choices do not harm wildlife. Products & souvenirs

World Trade Organization

Sea turtle conservation, seal and dolphin protection, animal health and food safety, and humane sustainable agriculture are examples of environmental- and animal- related issues discussed, negotiated, and sometimes disputed at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO is comprised of 159 member

HSI Latin America Opposes Illegal Wildlife Trade

Latin America is home to many hotspots for the illegal wildlife trade, due to its rich biodiversity and the difficulty of enforcing of wildlife protection laws. Here you can find endemic species such as the pink boa, and other endangered or threatened

Veggie skewers
Eating for Your Health

With each passing year, more people around the world suffer from obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure. Choosing vegetarian options over meat, eggs and dairy products not only helps animals and the environment—it helps our health, too. Many

Flex Appeal: Eating Humanely Doesn't Have to Be All-or-Nothing

For many, the idea of overhauling a lifetime of dietary habits can be intimidating. Not everyone is willing to switch from eating meat every day to becoming a vegetarian overnight. But it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Whether your primary

Egg and Dairy-Free Baking

Whatever your reason for leaving dairy and eggs off your plate—to help animals, for the environment, or for health reasons—you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite sweets. In fact, it is easier than you think to prepare dairy-free or egg-free

Stopping Dog Culls in Bangladesh

HSI has been working closely with officials in Bangladesh, where dog bites are very common—many of them causing rabies. With more than 2,000 deaths every year (WHO, 2007), Bangladesh is a country with one of the highest per capita ratios of rabies

IWC 63: Outcomes and Setbacks

by Rebecca Regnery The 63rd meeting of the International Whaling Commission saw some much-needed modernization of the rules of this more than 60-year-old convention. The member nations also demonstrated continued ability to successfully negotiate and compromise when they put their minds to

Mark Jones

Mark Jones is executive director of Humane Society International/UK, and is based in London. After qualifying as a veterinarian from the University of Liverpool in 1985, Mark spent three years in companion animal practice before gaining a master's degree in aquatic animal

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI