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A Humane Society International reage contra os esforços da indústria cosmética para derrubar proibições estaduais de testes em animais
BRASÍLIA—Proeminentes empresas de cosméticos representadas pela Associação Brasileira de Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos (ABIHPEC) tomaram medidas agressivas contra a beleza "cruelty-free" ao submeter duas ações diretas de inconstitucionalidade ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) em 23 de
Discurso de abertura da 67ª reunião da Comissão Baleeira Internacional pronunciado pela Humane Society International
FLORIANÓPOLIS, Brasil— O que se segue é a declaração de abertura da Humane Society International no início da 67ª reunião da Comissão Internacional da Baleia: A Comissão Internacional Baleeira (CBI), assim como a Convenção Internacional para a Regulamentação da Pesca da Baleia, documento que a
Unilever apoia esforços global da Humane Society International para proibir testes em animais para cosméticos
BRASILIA–A gigante dos cuidados pessoais Unilever anunciou seu apoio à campanha #BeCrueltyFree (#Libertesedacrueldade) liderada pela Humane Society International, Humane Society dos Estados Unidos e o Fundo Legislativo da Humane Society que tem por finalidade proibir os testes em animais para
Testes em Animais no Brasil: Guia de Perguntas Frequentes
P: Os testes de cosméticos em animais são requisitos legalmente exigidos no Brasil? R: O uso de animais em testes de segurança para cosméticos não é um requisito obrigatório no Brasil, embora a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), que regula os cosméticos, continue referenciando os
Resource libraries of other organizations
The Humane Society of the United States -, library of resources, includes Animal Sheltering magazine articles, publications, policies and guidelines, advice, and other resources to help those involved with animal sheltering and care. WellBeing International Studies Repository, an open
Don't Buy Wild: Tourist attractions and live animals
By participating in certain activities while traveling, you may be feeding the demand for captive wildlife and wildlife for entertainment. Live animals are often used in a variety of tourist attractions, and while vendors may claim that they came from sustainable sources and are treated well, it is
More than 70 dogs rescued from cruelty case in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Aguascalientes, Mexico–More than 70 dogs are now on their way to better lives after their rescue from a case of neglect in Aguascalientes, Mexico, at the end of last month. The animals were living together in poor health and cramped conditions in the house of an elderly person. The dogs were seized
Volunteer with the HSI/Canada Animal Rescue Team
Fill out a volunteer application now Important note: At times when the Animal Rescue Team is deployed, an extended delay in processing new volunteer applications is likely. Thank you for your patience. Volunteers work with the HSI/Canada Animal Rescue Team to help animals who have been the victims
Devenez bénévole dans l’équipe de sauvetage animal de HSI/Canada
Complétez le formulaire d'inscription. Les bénévoles en sauvetage animal travaillent avec l’équipe de sauvetage animal de HSI/Canada pour aider à sauver les animaux qui sont victimes de cruauté et de négligence. Que ce soit un cas de collectionneur d’animaux qui a perdu le contrôle ou une usine à
HSI/Canada recherche des bénévoles!
HSI/Canada recherche des bénévoles pour donner de leur temps et partager leurs compétences professionnelles. Si vous souhaitez apporter votre aide de temps à autre chaque mois, déposez votre candidature pour l’un des postes suivants : Refuge d’urgence-équipe sauvetage (Québec, Ontario) Dirigeant(e)
Closing South Korea's dog meat farms
Update: On January 9, 2024, South Korea’s National Assembly voted through a ban on the dog meat industry, making the breeding, slaughter and sale of dogs and dog meat for human consumption illegal from 2027. The dog meat industry in South Korea In South Korea, dogs are intensively farmed for human
개식용 반대 캠페인
한국은 전세게적으로 유일하게 식용을 위해 공장식으로 집약 사육하는 개농장이 존재 하며, 이를 ‘식용견 농장’이라 지칭합니다. 식용견 농장에서의 개들은 극소량의 음식물(대부분 음식물 쓰레기가 지급된다)로 연명하며, 대게는 눈, 비, 혹한과 혹서 등 극도의 날씨에 그대로 노출되는 뜬장(분변을 처리하기 용이하게 설계된 케이지)에서 마실 물도 없이 살아갑니다. 많은 수의 개들은 질병과 영양결핍에 시달리며, 농장의 모든 개들은 방치된 삶을 하루 하루 살아갑니다. 이 삶의 끝인 도살의 방법 또한 잔인하기 그지 없으며 대부분 전기도살 기구로
Die Rettung der Tiere aus dem Hunde- und Katzenfleischhandel in China
Weltweit werden jedes Jahr schätzungsweise 30 Millionen Hunde und 10 Millionen Katzen für den menschlichen Verzehr geschlachtet. Darunter werden in China schätzungsweise 10 Millionen Hunde und 4 Millionen Katzen jährlich für den menschlichen Verzehr getötet. Der Handel mit Hunde- und Katzenfleisch
Ending China's dog and cat meat trade
The dog and cat meat trade in China Globally, an estimated 30 million dogs and 10 million cats are slaughtered annually for human consumption. Of these, approximately 10 million dogs and 4 million cats are killed each year in China alone. A significant portion of the dog and cat meat trade in China
The Fur Trade
How many animals are killed globally on fur farms? Each year, tens of millions of animals are bred and killed to supply the fashion industry with not only traditional fur coats but, increasingly, real fur trim for hooded jackets, and real fur pompoms used on hats, gloves, shoes and a range of other
Limitations of Animal Tests
It doesn’t matter whether you live in a city, suburb, or on a farm, and it doesn’t matter whether you work in an office, a factory, or at home—or whether you don’t work at all. You’re going to come into contact with lots of synthetic chemicals every day, starting with your toothpaste (even your
Resources for the animal welfare field
HSI provides these resources—which address a wide range of animal welfare and care issues—for individuals and organizations in the animal welfare field everywhere. Here, you will find articles, fact sheets, reports and other materials. Most documents are available in PDF for download. Links to other
Community Engagement
Communications Communications to Promote Interest and Participation, Chapters 6 and 7 (Community Tool Box) Getting Good Television and Radio Coverage (ASPCA) Strategic Advocacy Course, Module 6: Media and Communications (World Animal Net) Community Engagement Humane Community Development (HCD)
Euthanasia Reference Manual , designed to be the definitive basic education tool for understanding the methods and techniques of performing humane euthanasia. (The Humane Society of the United States) Manual de Referencia Sobre la Eutanasia, Spanish version Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals
Humane Animal Control and Management
The International Companion Animal Management (ICAM) Coalition, of which Humane Society International is a member, has practical tools on how to manage dog and cat populations in the most humane, effective and resource-efficient way possible. These documents are intended for use by any government