Found 3905 results
Sodexo Canada announces plans to transform its menus to be plant-based at more than 200 locations nationally, in partnership with HSI/Canada
MONTREAL—Sodexo Canada and Humane Society International/Canada are excited to announce a new development in their national partnership: Sodexo Canada has signed onto the Forward Food Pledge, committing to transition 20% of its protein purchases across Canada to plant-based. To achieve this goal, HSI
Sodexo Singapore and Humane Society International announce collaboration to add more plant-based food options to menus across Singapore education sector
SINGAPORE—Sodexo Singapore and Humane Society International are pleased to announce a new collaboration to increase plant-based menu options for Sodexo's education sector accounts across Singapore. HSI’s Plant-Based Solutions program will train Sodexo chefs on plant-based cooking techniques and work
South Africa tops exhibitor list at US trophy hunting convention
CAPE TOWN—South Africa represents the biggest percentage of hunting outfitter exhibitors at the Dallas Safari Club (DSC) annual convention. The DSC, a Texas-based trophy hunting industry organisation, hosts the USA’s biggest industry hunting event, which is being held online this year. Based on
South Africa's Dark Side
by Marcie Berry Update: In November 2010, a Supreme Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the South Africa Predator Breeders’ Association regarding the hunting of captive-bred lions. This is sad news for lions in South Africa and it is unfortunate that this horrific industry will be allowed to continue
South African government increases trophy hunting quotas, sacrificing vulnerable leopard, endangered elephant and critically endangered black rhino “as conservation tool(s)”
Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA—The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment announced this weekend that South Africa will allow the hunting of 10 vulnerable leopard, 150 endangered elephant and 10 critically endangered black rhino in 2022. This concerning news precedes World Wildlife Day
South Africa’s campaigners fight to stop cruel shipment of up to 85,000 sheep to Middle East
CAPE TOWN—As the National Council of SPCAs prepares for a third court hearing on 6th August to stop the proposed shipment of between 55,000 and 85,000 live sheep to the Middle East, Humane Society International/Africa is urging South African citizens to add their voices of support in ending the
South Carolina passes legislation removing hurdle in enforcing animal protection laws
The South Carolina legislature unanimously passed legislation addressing the financial burden of caring for animals seized in cruelty and fighting cases. This bipartisan bill was supported by South Carolina law enforcement agencies and ensures that the responsibility for covering the costs of caring
South Korea biocidal products law amendment introduced to promote replacement of animal testing
Seoul—Global animal welfare leader Humane Society International has once again collaborated with South Korean National Assembly member Jeong Ae Han to reverse the country’s increasing use of animals in laboratories through legislative reform, this time by amending the Korean Chemical Consumer
South Korea considering new law to modernize safety testing and human health research and to promote alternatives to animal testing
SEOUL—Proposed new legislation that would require Korean regulatory and research funding ministries to promote the development and implementation of non-animal alternatives in safety and biomedical sciences will be examined at a National Assembly expert forum on June 30. Assembly member In-soon Nam
동물대체시험법의 개발・보급 및 이용 촉진에 관한 법률 제정을 위한 전문가 간담회 개최
오는 30일 더불어민주당 남인순 의원(보건복지위원)은 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International)과 공동주최로 ‘「동물대체시험법의 개발・보급 및 이용 촉진에 관한 법률」 제정을 위한 전문가 간담회’를 개최한다. 간담회 발제는 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널 서보라미 국장이 ‘동물대체시험 활성화 위한 제도의 필요성’, 식품의약품안전평가원 한국동물대체시험법검증센터(KoCVAM) 안준익 연구관이 ‘동물대체시험법 개발・이용 현황과 개선 방향’, 한국법제연구원 장민선 연구위원이 ‘동물대체시험법의 개발・보급
South Korea laboratory animal statistics reveal shocking figures of animal suffering
SEOUL—The annual statistics on laboratory animal use for 2020 revealed disappointing trends with regards to animal testing in South Korea. According to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, 4,141,433 animals were used for testing in 2020, up 11.5% compared to the previous year (3,712,380 in 2019)
동물실험 실태 조사 결과, 연이은 증가세 기록
국제 동물보호단체 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, 이하 HSI)이 늘어나는 동물실험 조사 결과에 대해 대안 마련을 위한 공공과 민감의 동참 필요성을 제기했다. 농림축산검역본부가 발표한 2020년 실험동물 사용 실태에 따르면 2020년 실험된 동물의 수는 414만 1,433마리로 전년 대비 11.5% 증가했다. 5년전 287만 여 마리가 실험 된 2016년 수치와 비교했을 때에 비하면 43.8%가 늘어난 수치다. 한편 지난 19일 법무부는 ‘동물은 물건이 아니다’라는 동물의 법적 지위
South Korea revises chemical law to require prioritization of “vertebrate animal alternative testing”
SEOUL—South Korea’s National Assembly last week passed a bill revising the Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (K-REACH) to require companies, the country’s Ministry of Environment and its subsidiaries to prioritize adopting alternative methods to animal testing. The
South Korea scraps long-term dog pesticide test requirement in response to international pressure
SEOUL—Humane Society International is celebrating a successful end to its campaign in South Korea to abolish the use of beagles in long-term testing of pesticides. This follows an announcement by the country’s pesticide authority that it will join the United States, European Union, India, Canada and
South Korea to end unnecessary animal test
SEOUL—South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has introduced an amendment to its Biologicals standard and test method guidelines, and will no longer require the Abnormal Toxicity test. The outdated method was carried out for batch quality control of pharmaceutical and biological products
South Korea to host multi-stakeholder forum, discussing challenges and visions to promote alternatives to animal testing
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA—The National Assembly and Humane Society International/Korea have organized a biomedical research multi-stakeholder forum called Alternatives to Animal Testing with Scientific Approaches. Co-hosting the event are the chair of National Assembly’s Health and Welfare Committee
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널-남인순 국회의원, 동물대체시험법 활성화 위한 현장 간담회 개최
국회 보건복지위원장 김민석 의원, 남인순 ·신현영 의원, 동물복지국회포럼 공동주최 참여 동물실험 대체 기술 발전 위한 산.학.연.병.관 의견 수렴 동물보호단체 한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(이하 HSI)과 남인순 국회의원 주관으로 2일 ‘과학적 접근으로 동물 희생 줄이는 대체시험법, 어떻게 가능한가?’ 현장 간담회가 개최됐다. 이번 간담회는 국회 보건복지위원장 김민석, 국회의원 남인순, 신현영, 동물복지국회포럼이 공동주최하고 식품의약품안전처와 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단이 후원했다. 간담회에서는 국제적인 OECD 표준 시험 방법으로
South Korea: Groups urge new administration to prioritise investment in replacement of animals in testing and medical research
International animal protection organisation Humane Society International and the Korean Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments are encouraging the country’s new administration to prioritise investment in more predictive, human-specific approaches to testing and medical research instead of
South Korean animal groups unite in supporting the inclusion of animal protection in a revised constitution
Seoul—Animal protection groups in South Korea have come together to support an historic bill by President Moon Jae-in to revise the country’s constitution including recognition of animal protection for the first time. Eight animal groups, including Humane Society International/Korea, have formed the
South Korean dog meat farmer quits the trade to grow vegetables with help from Humane Society International’s pioneering approach
SEOUL—More than 70 dogs found languishing on a South Korean dog meat farm by animal charity Humane Society International have been given a second chance by the farmer’s decision to quit the dog meat industry once and for all. Mr. Nakseon Kim has been breeding dogs for nearly 40 years, but he jumped