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Press Releases
More than 100 dogs rescued from South Korea’s dog meat trade arrive in the US to find new homes

WASHINGTON (July 16, 2020)—More than 100 dogs saved from South Korea’s brutal dog meat trade are headed for loving homes in the United States. Humane Society International rescued the dogs as part of

Ending the dog and cat meat trade As China, Cambodia and India tackle dog meat trade, pressure builds on South Korea at start of Boknal dog meat soup eating season

SEOUL—As South Korea’s Boknal season begins, marking the hottest days of summer during which dog meat ‘bosintang’ soup is commonly eaten, animal group Humane Society International is urging South

Mouse in a petri dish
South Korea considering new law to modernize safety testing and human health research and to promote alternatives to animal testing

SEOUL—Proposed new legislation that would require Korean regulatory and research funding ministries to promote the development and implementation of non-animal alternatives in safety and biomedical

실험동물 실태 조사 결과 발표, 동물실험 대체 및 감소 속도 내기 위한 입법 필요성 나타내

지난 16일 농림축산식품부는 2019년 실험동물 실태 조사 결과를 발표했다. 이에 대해 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널 한국(Humane Society International/Korea, 이하 HSI)은 동물실험을 대체하고 줄일 수 있도록 나아가기 위해서는 동물실험과 관련 된 법률과 연구예산을 담당하는 관련 부처들이 함께 힘을 모아 입법 틀 마련에 힘써야

New statistics reveal need for legal reform to tackle Korea’s lack of progress in reducing animal testing

SEOUL—Humane Society International/Korea is calling on legislators to back a series of tough new legal measures to address the lack of progress by Korea’s relevant regulatory and research funding

Allevatore di cani da carne sudcoreano abbandona l’attività per coltivare ortaggi con l'aiuto e l'approccio pionieristico di Humane Society International

ROMA/SEOUL–Più di 70 cani sofferenti, trovati da Humane Society International in un allevamento di carne di cane della Corea del Sud, hanno avuto una seconda chance grazie alla decisione dell

휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널과 한국동물실험대체법학회, 24일 세계 실험동물의 날 맞아 동물실험 대체 연구개발에 힘쓰는 국내 연구진들에게 박수를

4월 24일 세계 실험동물의 날을 맞아 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, HSI)과 한국동물실험대체법학회는 동물실험의 대안을 개발하고 연구하는 과학계 관계자들에게 응원의 메시지를 보내며 동물을 사용하지 않는 혁신적인 과학연구에 더 적극적인 지원이 있어야 한다고 전한다. 국내에는 더 나은 치료법, 더 빠른 신약

Humane Society International calls for increased government support for researchers and institutions working to advance science without animal suffering

SEOUL—On this World Day for Animals in Laboratories, following chilling evidence of the suffering of cats in Korean laboratories, Humane Society International and the Korean Society for Alternative to

Humane Society International welcomes passage of biocidal law amendment promoting alternatives to animal testing in South Korea

SEOUL—Humane Society International congratulates Assembly member Jeong-ae Han on the National Assembly’s passage of her amendment to the Chemical Consumer Products and Biocides law, promoting