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Press Releases
Ending the dog and cat meat trade Days before Bok Nal season, Korean animal groups HSI/Korea and Korean K9 Rescue unite to save 21 dogs left behind on an illegal dog meat farm

SEOUL—Twenty-one dogs left behind when authorities closed an illegal dog meat farm in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, have been saved by animal groups just days before the start of Bok Nal—the three hottest

South Korea’s dog meat ban taskforce announces short delay in deliberations

SEOUL—The South Korean government taskforce deliberating a ban on the country’s dog meat industry has announced a delay of two months in publishing its recommendations. Humane Society International

HSI ‘spokes-bunny’ Ralph urges Koreans to support alternatives to animal testing law

SEOUL—On this World Day for Animals in Laboratories, Humane Society International/Korea is releasing a Korean version of its stop-motion animated short film #SaveRalph to rally citizen and political

Save Ralph photo with logo
Animals in research 24 Korean politicians and Humane Society International/Korea celebrate Save Ralph with Korean TV star Sam Hammington

SEOUL—Twenty-four Korean lawmakers and Humane Society International/Korea are hosting an exhibition to celebrate the stop-motion animated short film Save Ralph and to raise awareness amongst lawmakers

Le organizzazioni animaliste esortano il nuovo presidente della Corea del Sud Yoon Seok-yeol ad agire rapidamente e rispettare l’impegno preso per porre fine al crudele commercio di cani da carne

SEOUL—Le organizzazioni animaliste in Corea del Sud stanno esortando il neoeletto presidente Yoon Seok-yeol ad agire rapidamente per dare seguito al suo impegno preelettorale di porre fine all

Ending the dog and cat meat trade Animal group urges South Korea’s new president Yoon Seok-yeol to act swiftly on his pledge to end dog meat misery

SEOUL—Animal groups in South Korea are urging the newly elected president Yoon Seok-yeol to act swiftly on his pre-election pledge to tackle the dog meat industry. Among them, Seoul-based animal

환경부 인터뷰 “동물대체시험 기술, 2030년까지 선진국 수준 확보”

2021년 9월 환경부는 동물대체시험법 활성화 실행계획 토론회를 온라인으로 개최했다. 환경부는 지난해 초 한정애 장관 취임 이후로 ‘화학안전평가에 있어 동물대체시험법 활성화 논의를 위한 태스크포스(TF)’를 꾸린 데 이어, 이번 토론회에서 ‘2030 화학안전과 함께하는 동물복지 실현 비전’을 소개했다. 해외에서는 첨단기술을 이용해 비동물 연구 지원에 관한

Seoul city council proposes bill to ban dog meat consumption

SEOUL — Humane Society International/Korea is encouraged to see reports that Yang Min-gyu, a Seoul city municipal council member, has proposed a bill calling on Seoul's mayor to create a city-wide

South Korean government to launch task force on dog meat ban

SEOUL—The South Korean government has announced its plan to set up a task force to consider a ban on the eating of dog meat. The joint announcement by government ministries comes after President Moon