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Cage-free eggs movement develops in Thailand

Rena Bakery is going cage-free in 2023

Tigrane Hogbossia

Update: As of October 2023, Rena Bakery has published that it no longer buys eggs from caged hens.

BANGKOK, Thailand—Rena Bakery, a family-owned bakery establishment, committed to switching to cage-free eggs following a constructive dialogue with Humane Society International

The 30-year-old establishment stands firmly behind its decision to transition to cage-free eggs, viewing it as a testament to its unwavering dedication to the use of top-quality ingredients.

“After we learned more about how caged hens live, we decided that we needed to do something to help. We see this as a step forward to improve our operational standard for our customers. We love what we do and wish to improve when we can. We are committing to use 100% cage-free eggs in our store from now on,” said Mr. Chatchai Komintr, CEO of Rena Bakery and the second generation of leadership in the family business.

“Most Thai people remain unaware that the majority of eggs come from hens enduring a lifetime in wire cages so small they can’t spread their wings, nor do they know that most hens will never walk on grass or set foot on solid ground. Hens are sentient, intelligent and sociable animals. Scientific studies have shown that they can count, anticipate the future, empathize with their chicks, and enjoy social activities. We’re proud to work with a corporation that considers animal welfare a priority and acknowledges that the future of eggs is cage-free,” said Lalada Tangjerdjaras, Thailand program manager for Farm Animal Welfare for Humane Society International.

Humane Society International’s work to improve the welfare of animals in agriculture is both science-based and collaborative. The organization works with companies, farmers, processors, scientists and certifiers to support a transition to cage-free housing systems, and offers a wide range of support to companies including farm visits, consumer education and corporate roundtables and workshops to enhance their supply chains.


Media contact: Lalada Tangjerdjaras, Thailand program manager for farm animal welfare and protection at Humane Society International,

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