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VIDEO: Yulin slaughterhouse horror revealed as animal groups rescue 135 terrified dogs at China’s infamous dog meat festival
BEIJING—Horrifying images from inside a Yulin dog slaughterhouse have been released by Humane Society International, revealing the first disturbing glimpses of preparations for this year’s dog meat festival in China’s Guangxi Autonomous Region. Chinese activists with whom HSI has worked for many
Viet Nam corporations and producer become the first to commit to policies improving conditions for mother pigs in pork production
HANOI, Viet Nam—Seven grocery stores and a bakery in Viet Nam are supporting Nguyen Khoi Green JSC (the makers of Nguyen Khoi – Natural Pork brand or Nguyen Khoi) to end the gestation crate confinement of female breeding pigs and to implement group housing, which gives these intelligent animals room
Viet Nam must end the dog meat trade if Prime Minister’s Directive to tackle rabies is to succeed, warns Humane Society International
HANOI—Viet Nam’s Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has been urged to take decisive action to end the country’s trafficking and slaughter of 6 million dogs and cats for meat every year, if his recent Directive to tackle deadly rabies is to be successful. Rabies is endemic in Viet Nam with government
Working to End Government Support of Bullfighting in Mexico
Many Mexican citizens are not aware that the government uses public funds to subsidize and promote the bullfighting industry. When they learn about this, a strong majority object. A recent poll found that 88 percent do not think it is right for the government to use taxpayer money to aid the
Working with China on Wildlife Issues
by Dr. Peter Li Last month, HSI staff traveled to China with the mission of improving animal welfare in zoos and protection in the wild. Reaching zoo directors HSI invited world-renowned elephant researcher Dr. Joyce Poole and Vice Director of Houston Zoo David Brady to speak to 48 Chinese zoo
Working with Financial Institutions to Improve Farm Animal Welfare
HSI’s Farm Animal Welfare and Protection program works with producers, restaurant companies, supermarkets, manufacturers, food service providers and hotel chains to transition their animal agriculture production and supply chains to higher welfare systems. Financial institutions such as commercial
Workshop empowers egg producers to shift to cage-free systems for hens
SÃO PAULO—Last week, producers raising hens for their eggs gathered in the countryside of São Paulo state, the largest egg-producing state in Brazil, to boost their knowledge of the scientific foundation behind cage-free housing systems. The workshop, which was hosted by global animal protection
World Egg Day highlights Singapore’s growing preference for cage-free eggs
This Friday, on World Egg Day, Humane Society International celebrates the growing number of Singaporeans buying cage-free eggs. The Singaporean cage-free market has grown over the past two years, with at least five brands of cage-free eggs now available at supermarkets in the city-state. A growing
World Environment Day: How eating green can help save our planet
Billions of people are called to take a green step towards reducing their carbon footprint for World Environment Day, 5 June 2017. This year’s theme, "Connecting People to Nature," aims to encourage us to appreciate nature, consider how intimately we depend on it, and make an effort to protect the
World Health Organization and others recommend countries to urgently suspend trade in wild mammals and close food markets selling wild mammals
WASHINGTION—Earlier this week, the World Health Organization (WHO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released a guidance urging governments around the world to take immediate action to reduce the risk of zoonotic disease spread in traditional
Organizația Mondială a Sănătății și alte foruri internaționale recomandă statelor lumii, să suspende de urgență comerțul cu mamifere sălbatice și să închidă piețele care vând mamifere sălbatice
WASHINGTON—Săptămâna trecută, Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS), Organizația Mondială Pentru Sănătate Animală (OIE) și Programul Organizației Națiunilor Unite pentru Mediu (UNEP) au emis un ghid de măsuri prin care cer guvernelor din întreaga lume să ia măsuri imediate pentru a reduce
World Health Organization implicates fur farming in search for origins of COVID-19 pandemic
MONTREAL—The World Health Organization has published its report, WHO-convened Global Study of the Origins of SARS-CoV-2, and identified fur farming as an area of interest in the search for the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. The joint WHO-China study suggests that wild animals intensively bred
Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia wskazuje na hodowle zwierząt na futra analizując źródła pandemii COVID-19
MONTREAL—Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia opublikowała raport — globalną ekspertyzę na temat pochodzenia wirusa SARS-CoV-2 — w którym wskazuje hodowlę zwierząt futerkowych jako obszar zainteresowania w poszukiwaniu źródeł pandemii koronawirusa. Autorzy ekspertyzy, przeprowadzonej we współpracy z Chinami
World Lion Day sees South Africa tarnished by captive lion industry
CAPE TOWN—South Africa is not a good place for lions today, on World Lion Day—and it won’t be tomorrow either, with an estimated 11,000 lions held captive in more than 300 facilities across the country. The captive lion breeding industry is marked by ongoing exposure of poor conditions and welfare
World Oceans Day event honours conservationist Rob Stewart’s memory, calls on federal government to ban products of shark finning
At an event held ahead of World Oceans Day (June 8), along with Lush Cosmetics and the family of the late Canadian filmmaker and conservationist, Rob Stewart, Humane Society International/Canada is calling on the federal government to ban the import of products of shark finning. Gabriel Wildgen
World Trade Organization
Sea turtle conservation, seal and dolphin protection, animal health and food safety, and humane sustainable agriculture are examples of environmental- and animal- related issues discussed, negotiated, and sometimes disputed at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO is comprised of 159 member
World Trade Organization Rules for Seals, Says Animal Welfare Counts
The World Trade Organization today issued a final decision in its ruling to the inhumane global seal trade, and gave a precedent-setting boost to our domestic and international efforts to prevent animal abuse. The international body that sets the rules of the road on global trade matters has upheld
World Veterinary Day: new training empowers adoption of humane and innovative procedures for street dogs
INDIA—To celebrate World Veterinary Day, Humane Society International/India launches an innovative street dog spay and neuter training program to equip veterinary professionals, animal welfare organisations and relevant government agencies with essential skills to improve the well-being of dogs
Yahoo! Japan announces end of ivory sales; spells the end of Japan’s ivory trade, says Humane Society International
GENEVA—Yahoo! Japan announced last night that it will cease selling elephant ivory products on its e-commerce platforms beginning November 1, 2019. Global animal charity Humane Society International welcomed the news from Geneva where its wildlife team is attending the 18 th Conference of the
Yoh Daikan of Yomiuri Giants urges Japanese public to join global effort to save elephants
TOKYO—Baseball player and animal lover Yoh Daikan and global animal protection group Humane Society International have come together to call on the Japanese public to protect elephants from the poaching and ivory trafficking epidemic. Yoh, an outfielder with the Yomiuri Giants, one of the