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Leading animal protection NGOs call for EU ban on hunting trophy imports
BRUSSELS—Marking the sixth anniversary of the killing of Cecil the lion by an American trophy hunter, animal and nature protection NGOs, members of the European Parliament, and conservation experts from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya are calling on the EU to ban the import of hunting trophies. In
Wiodące organizacje ochrony zwierząt wzywają do zakazu importu trofeów łowieckich
WARSZAWA, Polska—Humane Society International/Europe, Pro Wildlife, Born Free Foundation, Eurogroup for Animals i Pan African Sanctuary Alliance przedstawiły nowy raport dotyczący polowań dla trofeów. Raport dowodzi, że zabijanie zagrożonych i chronionych gatunków zwierząt podważa unijne wysiłki na
La Commissione UE annuncia un impegno storico a vietare le gabbie per gli animali d'allevamento
ROMA/BRUXELLES —Oggi, in una giornata storica per la protezione degli animali, la Commissione UE si è impegnata a eliminare gradualmente le gabbie negli allevamenti di animali in tutta l'UE entro il 2027. La Commissione prevede di vietare le gabbie per galline, scrofe, vitelli, conigli, anatre, oche
Viet Nam’s first commercial cage-free barn has been launched by Nam Huong with technical support from Humane Society International
HO CHI MINH CITY—Viet Nam is joining other Southeast Asian countries in the movement to promote cage-free eggs with the opening of the country’s first cage-free barn. Most of the more than 8 billion eggs that are produced in Viet Nam annually are laid by hens kept in wire, battery cages, which are
HSI report: Trophy hunting by the numbers
Trophy hunting by the numbers: The European Union's role in global trophy hunting Trophy hunting by the numbers: The European Union's role in global trophy hunting (summary) Trophäenjagd in Zahlen: Die Bedeutung der Europäischen Union bei der Trophäenjagd im globalen Kontext Polowania dla trofeów w
Ahead of COP26 where diet change should be discussed as a solution to climate change, HSI/UK launches virtual plant-based culinary programme to help add more plants to British plates
LONDON—As world leaders prepare to meet for the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow this November, to discuss vital climate change mitigation strategies, the need to reduce the environmental impacts of our diets has never been more urgent. As well as urging COP26 leaders to
Humane Society International ruft am #FurFreeFriday zu einer pelzfreien Welt auf
BERLIN—Die Humane Society International/Europe startet in der Woche vor dem Black Friday, dem 26. November, in Italien, Deutschland, Polen und Rumänien eine Online-Kampagne, um die Konsumenten für das Leid der Tiere zu sensibilisieren, die für die Pelzindustrie sterben müssen. HSI/Europe ruft
Humane Society International marks Fur-Free Friday this holiday season
EUROPE—Humane Society International/Europe is launching an online campaign in the week before Black Friday, 26 November, in Italy, Germany, Poland and Romania, reminding shoppers that fur clothing comes at the cost of extreme cruelty to animals. The organization is asking fashion lovers, designers
Humane Society International lancia una campagna social per il #FurFreeFriday
ROMA—“Questo Black Friday impegnati a non comprare e indossare pellicce” è lo statement che Humane Society International (HSI) invita tutti gli influencer e fashionista consapevoli a fare e postare sui propri profili social, in occasione del Black Friday, il prossimo 26 novembre. La campagna
Black Friday bez futra i okrucieństwa – apel międzynarodowej organizacji Humane Society International
W tygodniu dorocznych wyprzedaży, których finałem jest Czarny Piątek, międzynarodowa organizacja prozwierzęca Humane Society International/Europe rozpoczęła akcję na rzecz rezygnacji z zakupu produktów wykonanych z futer zwierząt w czterech europejskich krajach —w Niemczech, Polsce, Rumunii i we
De Black Friday, Humane Society International promovează Fur Free Friday (Vinerea Fără Blănuri)
BUCUREȘTI—Humane Society International/Europe lansează o campanie online cu ocazia Black Friday pentru a reaminti cumpărătorilor din România, Polonia, Italia și Germania că hainele și accesoriile din blană sunt produsele cruzimii extreme față de animale. Organizația le cere iubitorilor de animale
Police in Indonesia intercept a notorious dog meat trader, saving 53 terrified dogs awaiting slaughter
CENTRAL JAVA, Indonesia —A man suspected of being a dog meat trader on the Indonesian island of Java has been arrested, and a delivery truck packed with 53 dogs intercepted, as part of the country’s first ever large-scale police raid on an illegal dog meat slaughterhouse. Police in Sukoharjo
Indonesia, la polizia intercetta un noto commerciante di carne di cane, salvando 53 cani terrorizzati in attesa di essere macellati
JAVA, Indonesia— Ha avuto luogo il primo raid su larga scala della polizia indonesiana in un macello illegale di cani da carne: un uomo sospettato di essere un commerciante di carne di cane sull'isola di Java è stato arrestato e il carico del suo camion con 53 cani intercettato. La polizia di
South Korean government to launch task force on dog meat ban
SEOUL—The South Korean government has announced its plan to set up a task force to consider a ban on the eating of dog meat. The joint announcement by government ministries comes after President Moon Jae-in suggested the time is right to consider a ban. The task force will include officials
Manovra, depositato emendamento per la chiusura degli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia
ROMA—Chiusura definitiva, entro sei mesi, degli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia ancora formalmente attivi in Italia (10, di visoni); indennizzi e contributi alle imprese parametrati sul numero degli animali ancora presenti, sul fatturato dell'ultimo ciclo produttivo e sulle spese sostenute per
Dr Jane Goodall joins NGOs in urging governments to adopt 50-Year Vision to save whales and dolphins from extinction, on 75th anniversary of International Whaling Commission
LONDON–Dr Jane Goodall DBE, UN Messenger of Peace, joined with many of the world’s leading animal protection and conservation organisations, to urge the 88 member countries of the International Whaling Commission to adopt a new 50-Year Vision to save whales, dolphins and porpoises from extinction in
Większość Polek i Polaków sprzeciwia się polowaniom dla trofeów
87 procent Polek i Polaków sprzeciwia się polowaniom dla trofeów, a 73 procent nie chce, aby trofea łowieckie były importowane do Polski–wynika z badań opinii publicznej przeprowadzonych na zlecenie międzynarodowej organizacji prozwierzęcej Human Society International /Europe. Jak wynika z raportu
ELLE International pledges to go fur-free
PARIS —ELLE magazine is proud to announce that it has committed to ending the promotion of animal fur in its pages and online. The commitment follows dialogue between ELLE brand owner, Lagardère Group, the Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society International and Creatives4Change. The
ELLE International prende impegno fur-free
PARIGI – La rivista ELLE è orgogliosa di annunciare che si è impegnata a porre fine alla promozione delle pellicce animali sulle sue pagine e online. L'impegno è il frutto del dialogo intercorso tra il proprietario del marchio ELLE, il Lagardère Group, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Legge di Bilancio, depositato emendamento per vietare l’importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione di trofei di caccia e formare le forze di polizia
ROMA—Un divieto di importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione di trofei di caccia per e dal territorio italiano e lo stanziamento di fondi al fine di garantire la formazione e l’addestramento delle forze di polizia. Questi i due punti principali dell’emendamento alla Legge di Bilancio 2022