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Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn e altri nel cast del cortometraggio animato di HSI “Save Ralph”, a sostegno della campagna globale per vietare i test cosmetici sugli animali
ROMA—Registi di Hollywood e star del cinema hanno unito le forze con Humane Society International (HSI) per produrre il toccante cortometraggio animato in stop-motion “Save Ralph”, con l’obbiettivo di fermare i test cosmetici sugli animali a livello globale. Anche se vietata in 40 paesi, questa
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn i inne gwiazdy wystąpiły w krótkometrażowym filmie animowanym Humane Society International pt. „Save Ralph”, będącym częścią globalnej kampanii na rzecz wprowadzenia zakazu testowania kosme
WASHINGTON—Hollywoodzcy twórcy filmowi i aktorzy połączyli siły z Humane Society International przy produkcji krótkometrażowej animacji poklatkowej „Save Ralph”, wzywającej do zaprzestania testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach na całym świecie. Choć praktyka ta jest zakazana w 40 krajach, w
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn and more star in Humane Society International’s animated short film Save Ralph in aid of global campaign to ban cosmetic testing on animals
LONDON—Hollywood filmmakers and movie stars have joined forces with Humane Society International to produce a powerful stop-motion animated short film, Save Ralph, to end cosmetic testing on animals around the world. Although banned in 40 countries, the practice is still perfectly legal in most of
Shopping with intention
It used to be possible to categorize companies as either do test or don’t test; however, the reality today is more complex. That’s because, depending on the country and laws involved, it doesn’t always come down to a company’s choice. Here’s some fine print you should know: In most countries, there
Comprando a conciencia
Hoy en día los consumidores son más conscientes que nunca sobre la lectura de etiquetas. Pero, ¿cómo se evita algo que no está escrito en las etiquetas, algo como la experimentación con animales? Solía ser posible clasificar a las empresas entre las que testean en animales y las que no; sin embargo
World Health Organization implicates fur farming in search for origins of COVID-19 pandemic
MONTREAL—The World Health Organization has published its report, WHO-convened Global Study of the Origins of SARS-CoV-2, and identified fur farming as an area of interest in the search for the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. The joint WHO-China study suggests that wild animals intensively bred
Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia wskazuje na hodowle zwierząt na futra analizując źródła pandemii COVID-19
MONTREAL—Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia opublikowała raport — globalną ekspertyzę na temat pochodzenia wirusa SARS-CoV-2 — w którym wskazuje hodowlę zwierząt futerkowych jako obszar zainteresowania w poszukiwaniu źródeł pandemii koronawirusa. Autorzy ekspertyzy, przeprowadzonej we współpracy z Chinami
Hacienda Santa Bárbara commits to using only 100% cage-free eggs by the end of 2021
MEXICO CITY—Hacienda Santa Bárbara, an eco-hotel in Tlaxcala, Mexico, has committed to improving farm animal welfare by exclusively sourcing cage-free eggs for all of its menu items by the end of 2021. Hacienda Santa Barbara is a hotel from the 17 th century, which has been converted to an
Hacienda Santa Bárbara se compromete a usar solo huevos 100% libres de jaulas para fines de 2021
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO—Hacienda Santa Bárbara, un hotel ecológico en Tlaxcala, México, se ha comprometido a mejorar el bienestar de los animales de granja mediante el abastecimiento exclusivo de huevos sin jaula en todos los platillos de su menú para fines de 2021. Hacienda Santa Bárbara es un hotel del
Il report dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità sull’origine del Covid-19 indica il commercio di animali selvatici e l’allevamento di animali da pelliccia come probabili candidati
ROMA—L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) ha pubblicato il suo report “WHO-convened Global Study of the Origins of SARS-CoV-2”, a seguito della missione congiunta in Cina, e ha identificato l’allevamento di animali da pelliccia, assieme al commercio di animali selvatici, come settori di
How you can help save Ralph
What happens when an all-star director, puppeteer, cast and crew join forces with a global leader in the animal protection movement? Meet Ralph, a stop-motion animated rabbit who is the new spokesbunny for Humane Society International’s fight to end animal testing for cosmetics. Written and directed
World Health Organization and others recommend countries to urgently suspend trade in wild mammals and close food markets selling wild mammals
WASHINGTION—Earlier this week, the World Health Organization (WHO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released a guidance urging governments around the world to take immediate action to reduce the risk of zoonotic disease spread in traditional
Organizația Mondială a Sănătății și alte foruri internaționale recomandă statelor lumii, să suspende de urgență comerțul cu mamifere sălbatice și să închidă piețele care vând mamifere sălbatice
WASHINGTON—Săptămâna trecută, Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS), Organizația Mondială Pentru Sănătate Animală (OIE) și Programul Organizației Națiunilor Unite pentru Mediu (UNEP) au emis un ghid de măsuri prin care cer guvernelor din întreaga lume să ia măsuri imediate pentru a reduce
Iniziativa europea contro le gabbie: eccezionale supporto all'audizione al Parlamento Europeo
ROMA—Oggi, il Parlamento Europeo ha tenuto un'audizione pubblica di tre ore sull'Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei (ICE) "End the Cage Age", che è stata accolta calorosamente dai tre commissari europei presenti durante il dibattito. Molti europarlamentari sono intervenuti e, nel complesso, l'ICE ha
Korean animal protection groups unite with HSI/Korea to rescue 50 dogs left behind on a closed down dog meat farm and slaughterhouse
SEOUL—Korean animal protection groups have joined forces to save 50 dogs from being euthanised on a dog meat farm in Yongin city after the facility was closed down by the authorities. The dogs were found by the rescuers locked up in barren metal cages without water or proper food, after the four
Animalisti coreani e HSI insieme per salvare 50 cani abbandonati in un allevamento di carne di cane dismesso
SEOUL—Diversi gruppi di attivisti coreani per la protezione degli animali hanno unito le forze per salvare 50 cani dall'eutanasia, dopo che l’allevamento nella città di Yongin dal quale provenivano era stato chiuso dalle autorità. I cani trovati dai soccorritori erano rinchiusi in gabbie metalliche
Fox-masked campaigners submit 1 million petition signatures to No 10, calling for a UK fur sales ban ahead of Parliament’s 10 Minute Rule Bill
London—CEOs and Directors from five of the UK’s largest animal protection organisations gathered today with campaigners in geometric fox masks at the gates of No 10 Downing street to submit 1 million petition signatures to the Prime Minister, calling for the UK to ban the sale of cruel animal fur
#SaveRalph submits petition with over one million signatures to end cosmetic testing on animals to the Chamber of Deputies
MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International México (HSI/México), a leading international animal welfare organization, today submitted a petition to the Chamber of Deputies’ Health Commission to ban cosmetic testing on animals. In just one week, the #SaveRalph campaign, a short stop-motion animated film
Entrega el conejo #Ralph a la Cámara de Diputados más de un millón de firmas en favor de poner fin a las pruebas cosméticas en animales
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO—Con el objetivo de solicitar a la Comisión de Salud de la Cámara de Diputados que prohíba las pruebas cosméticas en animales, Humane Society International México (HSI/México), organización con liderazgo global en bienestar animal, entregó más de un millón de firmas de personas que
Korean animal protection groups unite with Humane Society International/Korea to rescue 50 dogs left behind on a closed down dog meat farm and slaughterhouse
SEOUL—Korean animal protection groups have joined forces with Humane Society International/Korea to save 50 dogs from being euthanized on a dog meat farm in Yongin city after the facility was closed down by the authorities. The dogs were found by the rescuers locked up in barren metal cages without