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Working to End Government Support of Bullfighting in Mexico

Many Mexican citizens are not aware that the government uses public funds to subsidize and promote the bullfighting industry. When they learn about this, a strong majority object. A recent poll found that 88 percent do not think it is right for the government to use taxpayer money to aid the bullfighting industry. Eighty-six percent oppose government use of public media to promote bullfighting.

Humane Society International (HSI) campaigns with Mexico City-based organizations Asociación Mexicana por los Derechos de los Animales (AMEDEA) and México Antitaurino to stop government support of bullfighting.

Our organizations speak out against this misguided use of public funds at the federal, state, and local levels. We confront government funding of bullfighting schools, including those that teach children how to bullfight. We oppose government sponsorship of festivals that feature bullfighting. We campaign against the use of public media to promote bullfighting. 

If you are a citizen of Mexico and would like to participate in this campaign, please contact HSI