- The Economic Impact of Stray Cats and Dogs at Tourist Destinations on the Tourist Industry by Diana Webster (Cats and Dogs International and Humane Research Council via Faunalytics)
- Global Welfare Guidance for Animals in Tourism (The Association of British Travel Agents)
- Tourists' Reactions to Non-Human Animals: Implications for Tourist-Animal Research in the Caribbean, report by Eleanor H. Grennan and William J. Fielding, 2008. (The Pegasus Foundation and The College of The Bahamas).
- Regional realities: Impact of stray dogs and cats on the community; impact on the economy, including tourism; impact on livestock, wildlife and the environment. By Dr. Mark Trotman, Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development, Barbados.
Public Outreach Materials
- Don't Buy Wild Guide, a portable reference guide to help tourist avoid products and activities that harm animals. (Humane Society International)
- The Holiday Hooves Guide: 6 ways for holidaymakers to improve the lives of working donkeys, horses, mules and camels used in the tourism industry abroad, a 2-page leaflet. (SPANA)
- The Brooke's Happy Horses Holiday Code, a 1-page leaflet to help tourists ensure that any animal they ride is well cared for. (The Brooke)