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Poll shows Chileans overwhelmingly support cruelty-free laws banning animal testing for cosmetics

  • It's time to #becrueltyfree. Mustafagull/Getty Images istockphoto

SANTIAGO—Polling by Cadem consultancy showed that the vast majority of Chileans surveyed (78 percent) oppose animal testing for cosmetics, while 86 percent believe the country should follow the example set by 37 other nations that have enacted laws banning this practice. The poll, commissioned by Humane Society International and ONG Te Protejo, strongly bolsters the organizations’ #BeCrueltyFree campaign to modify Chile’s Health Code to prohibit cosmetic animal testing and trade nation-wide.

“It is heartening to see that the people of Chile share our belief that animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients is cruel, archaic and should be outlawed,” said Camila Cortínez, NGO Te Protejo General Director. “Our findings should serve as a wake-up call to our government and beauty industry that it’s time for Chile to #BeCrueltyFree.”

Join us: Take the pledge to #BeCrueltyFree

Since the European Union became the world’s first and largest cruelty-free marketplace in 2013, a wave of similar laws have been enacted across the globe, including Israel, India and New Zealand, with others in development in the United States, Canada, Brazil, and here in Chile. Bill No 10514-11, introduced in 2016 by the bipartisan group PARDA (Parlamentarios por la dignidad animal en Chile) and currently …, would modify the Health Code to prohibit the use of animals in toxicity testing of cosmetic products or their individual ingredients in Chile, as well as the sale of cosmetics that been tested on animals abroad after the law change takes effect.

TV host and singer Jennifer Boldt recently joined #BeCrueltyFree Chile campaigners to encourage citizens to show their support by signing our petition in person at public events and online at

Key results of the Cadem public opinion survey:

  • Nearly 7 out of 10 people know that the ingredients used in the manufacture of products in the cosmetics industry are previously tested on animals before going on sale.
  • In this context, a 78 percent majority disagrees with the performance of tests on animals in the cosmetic industry vs 19 percent that agree.
  • In this same line, 86 percent believe that Chile, like other countries, should join the regulation in this area, while only 12 percent affirm the contrary.

The Chilean cosmetic market is growing at a compound annual rate of 8 percent, with annual sales of US$2.8 billion. However, Chilean law does not currently regulate animal testing for cosmetics.

Media contact: Nicole Valdebenito, +56 9 8937 6741,