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Intensive Confinement of Farm Animals in Brazil

Do you know where the eggs that you consume come from?  Although we tend to believe that animals raised for food roam freely on pastures or on small outdoor farms, this is far from reality for most farm animals. The majority of eggs in Brazil are produced by birds who spend almost their entire lives confined in small battery cages.

These cages are so overcrowded that the birds cannot walk, exercise, or even stretch their wings.  There are more than 70 million hens living in these conditions in Brazil at any given time.

They live in these conditions for approximately one and a half years, at which point egg productivity begins to decline and birds are sent to slaughter. 

Pigs also suffer in intensive confinement production systems. In Brazil, almost 1.5 million breeding sows are housed in gestation crates, individual metal stalls, which are so small that they cannot even turn around.

HSI is working in Brazil to put an end to the intensive confinement of farm animals, educating consumers and asking them to say NO to battery-cage eggs and pork from factory farms that confine pigs in gestation crates. Furthermore, we are working with producers, government officials, and food retailers, asking them to adopt higher animal welfare standard

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