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Dog meat farmer in South Korea swaps pups for plants in UK animal charity’s pioneering program to phase out the brutal trade
Jean Chung/For HSI Jean Chung/For HSI Jean Chung/For HSI Jean Chung/For HSI Jean Chung/For HSI Jean Chung/For HSI MEDIA DOWNLOADS SEOUL–A 71-year-old dog meat farmer in Gyeonggi-do has become the latest recruit to animal charity Humane Society International’s pioneering program to phase out the
Six Senses Ninh Van Bay is Vietnam’s first resort with a free-range chicken farm
Humane Society International/Vietnam praised Six Senses Ninh Van Bay for becoming the first resort in Vietnam to have its own free-range egg farm. The resort’s farm will help its customers learn about a more humane alternative to intensive confinement egg production. The new egg farm provides the
Q&A: HSI’s campaign to end trophy hunting of imperiled species
How is trophy hunting different from other types of hunting? The most common form of hunting in the world is subsistence hunting (hunting for food). Trophy hunting—also referred to as “sport hunting” under many laws—however, is a niche form of hunting motivated by entertainment and bragging rights
Q&A: Cosmetic Testing in Canada
Q: What does “cruelty-free” mean in relation to cosmetics? A: A cruelty-free cosmetics company is one that has eliminated animal testing at all levels of production as of a “fixed cut-off date.” This must apply not only to the finished products that consumers purchase, but also to each and every raw
About the Canadian Seal Hunt: Q&A
Canada's annual commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. Facing harsh criticism the world over because of the hunt's cruelty and unsustainability, the Canadian government and fishing industry have spread much misinformation. Here are the basic facts about the
Questions and Answers on Shark Finning
What is shark finning? The word “finning” refers to the act of cutting off a shark’s fins and throwing the rest of the often still-living animal back into the sea. The vast majority of finned sharks bleed to death, or become prey for other sharks. A shark cannot be “finned” at port, as the term
Safe at the Shelter
by Rebecca Aldworth As I look around the emergency shelter HSI helped to build, I am overwhelmed by the ability of dogs to forgive. For I've seen firsthand in the past few days what they have endured. And these are images I will never get out of my mind. We've brought more than 500 dogs here
Generosity and Compassion
by Rebecca Aldworth Every day at the shelter gets better, because of you. As our dedicated team of staff and volunteers faces the tremendous challenge of caring for well over 500 rescued dogs and puppies, we are making major improvements each day. Yesterday, Jamieson Vitamins—one of the most
Yulin Dog Meat Festival Goes Ahead, But in Subdued Fashion
More than 30,000 HSI supporters signed our online petition calling for the cancellation of a dog meat festival planned for June 21 in Yulin, China. We spoke with Dr. Peter Li, HSI’s China policy specialist, about what happened. HSI: Did the festival go on as planned? Peter: The event was not
Fake faux fur scandal: Mislabelling of fur clothing and accessories in the UK
Through extensive research, HSI UK has discovered that many animal fur items for sale in the UK, especially in independent boutiques, in markets and online, are either not labelled at all, or are incorrectly labelled or marketed as synthetic. For the vast majority of British shoppers who reject the
Reward for reporting dogfighting in Costa Rica and the United States
HSI and The Humane Society of the United States offer rewards for information about dogfighting in Costa Rica or the United States. Learn how to spot the signs of dogfighting. Costa Rica In Costa Rica, the Tip Line for Complaints Against Dogfighting (8625-6000) allows citizens to send videos, photos
Farm Animal Welfare: Science & Research
For comprehensive reports on animal agribusiness and its toll on farm animal welfare, the environment, and public health, browse through our Research Library below. Each report is available online as a downloadable PDF. Animal Agriculture Overview The Environmental, Public Health, and Social Impacts
Animal agriculture and climate change resources
Learn more about HSI’s ongoing research and advocacy relating to animal agriculture and climate change: Delicious vegetarian recipes (reduce your carbon footprint and help farm animals at the same time) An HSI report: The impact of animal agriculture on global warming and climate change [PDF] An
Government notifies draft rules for regulating livestock markets and care of animals seized in cruelty cases
The Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change today published draft rules prescribing a comprehensive procedure for care, cost, maintenance, veterinary treatment and overall well-being of animals seized from markets and from cases of animal cruelty. The draft rules are now up for public
Tous les chiens sont égaux
Des municipalités, voire des provinces tout entières du Canada, telles que l’Ontario, interdisent les chiens ou leur imposent des restrictions selon leur race (ou celle à laquelle ils semblent appartenir). HSI/Canada s’oppose à de telles mesures qu’elle juge inhumaines et inefficaces. Il n’existe
Quelques faits saillants: l’industrie du veau au Canada
Pour être en quasi-constante lactation, comme le demande l’industrie, la vache doit être inséminée à chaque année. Après neuf mois de gestation, le veau est arraché à sa mère dès sa naissance. Le mâle sera vendu dans une ferme d’élevage pour être envoyé cinq mois plus tard à l’abattage alors que la
Questions et Réponses : Les tests cosmétiques au Canada
Q : Que signifie l'expression « Non à la cruauté » au sujet des cosmétiques? R : Une entreprise de cosmétiques contre la cruauté est une entreprise qui a éliminé les expérimentations animales de tous ses niveaux de production en se donnant une date limite. Cela ne concerne pas seulement les produits
Expérimentations non-animales
Les expérimentations non-animales modernes sont les dernières techniques que la science a à offrir afin d'assurer la sécurité de nouveaux produits et ingrédients cosmétiques. Ces expérimentations alternatives sont souvent plus rapides, moins chères et plus fiables que les anciennes expérimentations
Les usines à chiots au Canada
Il est difficile d’imaginer son chien confiné dans une cage souillée, sans accès à de la nourriture ou à de l’eau potable, sans aucun contact humain et ne pouvant sortir à l’extérieur. Pourtant, c’est ainsi que vivent des milliers de chiens à travers le Canada. Les éleveurs tirent profit de ces
Expérimentations animales
La conduite d'expérimentations animales pour évaluer la toxicité de produits chimiques ou produits comme les cosmétiques, les pesticides et les médicaments, est une pratique toujours courante. Bien que les exigences relatives aux expérimentations varient d'un pays et d'un secteur à l'autre, les