Found 3903 results
Horse deaths underscore urgent need for racing reform
At the 144th running of the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico racetrack in Maryland this past Saturday, all eyes were on Bodexpress, a horse who unseated his jockey just out of the starting gate. Bodexpress went on to gallop riderless down the homestretch – and got himself disqualified. For those
Horseracing Integrity Act will crack down on drugging, protect racehorses
By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson In recent years, major professional sports have taken crucial steps to rid themselves of illegal doping in order to create a more level playing field and to protect athletes from the adverse effects of performance-enhancing drugs. But there has been no such respite
House approves COVID relief package with historic funding commitments for animal-related pandemic prevention
Update (3/6/20201): The Senate has just passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and it includes almost all of the provisions we supported and pushed for that would benefit animals. The House and Senate will next work on a compromise version of the two packages, following which the bill heads to
House members reintroduce bill to ban cub petting, keeping big cats as pets
A bill that would prohibit public contact with big cats like tigers, lions and leopards and ban the possession of these animals as pets was swiftly reintroduced in the U.S. House today, suggesting that the measure is poised for early action in Congress. The Big Cat Public Safety Act had already
House passes second funding package with welcome news for chimpanzees, right whales and farm animals
The U.S. House has just approved additional help for animals, including right whales, chimpanzees and farm animals, as it continues the process of appropriating funds for federal agencies and departments for FY2021. The provisions that passed the full floor today by a vote of 217 to 197 are included
House revives bill to end shark fin trade that passed during last session
A bill to end all commercial trade in the United States of shark fins and shark fin products was reintroduced in the U.S. House today. The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, H.R. 2811, already enjoys great support in Congress and a previous version passed the House during the last session by an
House subcommittees boost funds for key animal protection measures on wildlife trafficking, slaughterhouse kill speeds and horse soring and slaughter
Congress has begun its annual process of funding federal departments, agencies and programs, and last night two House subcommittees voted to include several crucial provisions benefiting animals in their FY2021 appropriations bills. The Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee bill presented by
How Korean chefs are using plant-based recipes to replace dog meat soup
When three peak days of summer approach in South Korea, so do the peaks of slaughter of dogs from the country’s dog meat farms. The three hottest days of the year according to the lunar calendar are known as Boknal, a period when some people still take part in the habit of eating a dog meat soup
How one country spayed and neutered nearly 100% of its street dog population
Across Asia, more than 300 million dogs live on the streets. Many battle hunger and disease, and most do not live long enough to see even their first birthday. Governments often struggle to manage dog populations. In the most heartbreaking cases, authorities resort to killing dogs in culling
Iceland canceled its 2023 whale hunt. Now it’s time to stop whaling for good.
Update 8/31/23: Today, Iceland’s Food, Agriculture and Fisheries minister announced the devastating decision that the country will allow commercial whaling to resume with new "improvements" to the methods and continued monitoring. However, there are no “improvements” that could ever make whaling
Iceland may have killed its last whale; whaling company says it will hang up its harpoons for good
One of Iceland's two whaling companies has announced it will stop whaling for good. This welcome decision, which comes just days after Iceland announced it will cancel all whale hunts for the second consecutive year, takes us one step closer to the demise of an inhumane industry built on immense
Iceland resumes slaughter of fin whales, defying international ban
In defiance of an international moratorium on commercial whaling, the Icelandic ship Hvalur hf left port last week after a two-year pause in that country’s fin whale hunt. Iceland’s goal is to kill up to 238 fin whales this summer – in addition to its other self-allocated quota of 262 minke whales
Iceland says it may kill 2,000 whales over next five years
Iceland has announced it may kill more than 2,000 whales over the next five years, despite a declining market for whale meat and a growing sentiment against whaling among the Nordic country’s own citizens. Earlier this week, the Icelandic fisheries minister issued new commercial whaling quotas
Iceland signals it will stop commercial whaling by 2024, suggesting an end to a decades-long fight
Last Friday’s indication by Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Svandis Svavarsdottir that Iceland will likely end its commercial whaling by 2024 struck a deep chord. I have been involved in the global campaign to end commercial whaling for a long time, and there was a part of me that always
Idaho lawmakers on verge of sanctioning a carnage of 90% of the state's wolves
UPDATE (5/7/21): Despite overwhelming opposition from Idaho residents, professional wildlife biologists and managers and state fish and game commissioners, Gov. Brad Little signed S. 1211 into law on May 5. We urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to uphold its obligations to review and relist
If you found an ‘orphaned’ wild animal, would you know how to do the right thing?
For many years, the modest stretch of forested land surrounding our office in Maryland has offered a refuge to wild animals whose habitat is shrinking around them. Year after year, our staff members excitedly share sightings of our wild neighbors: the mama fox who births kits in a den under our
IHOP broke its animal welfare promises — Here’s what you can do
Today, I’m asking for your help in urging IHOP to take action to keep its animal welfare promises. Here at the Humane Society family of organizations, we work with many corporations to improve conditions for animals whose welfare is affected by their operations. We believe that a lot of businesses
Illegal government advisory panel touts 'benefits' of trophy hunting
By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson It may be hard to believe that a group of celebrity and professional trophy hunters, a director of the National Rifle Association, and the president of the world’s largest trophy hunting group are advising our government on wildlife conservation. But that is exactly
Illinois stands up for African elephants and rhinos
African elephants and rhinos are under the gun; literally. More than 30,000 elephants and 1,000 rhinos are slaughtered by poachers every year for their tusks and horns, respectively. The reason for this war on some of Africa’s most iconic and beloved wildlife is that people are buying ivory trinkets
In 2018, HSUS legal team delivered crucial court victories for Yellowstone grizzly bears, Great Danes rescued from New Hampshire mansion
For more than a decade, our Animal Protection Litigation team, a talented group of attorneys who use the law to advance the cause of animal protection, has been one of our most effective divisions. Each year, they file lawsuits and legal petitions to support our advocacy campaigns, draft numerous