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Das Rote Kreuz und Humane Society International liefern Tierfutter in die Ukraine, um die Notlage der Tiere zu lindern
Berlin/Sibiu—Das Rumänische Rote Kreuz und die Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International (HSI) haben eine bisher einmalige Vereinbarung getroffen, um lebenswichtiges Tierfutter und Tierarzneimittel in die Ukraine zu bringen, um die sich verschärfende Notlage der Tiere zu bekämpfen
La Croce Rossa e Humane Society International inviano in Ucraina alimenti essenziali per alleviare la situazione di criticità in cui versano gli animali
TRIESTE/BUCAREST— È stato stipulato un accordo senza precedenti tra la Croce Rossa rumena e l'organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International, per portare in Ucraina alimenti per animali domestici e forniture veterinarie, per fronteggiare l’inasprimento della situazione
Czerwony Krzyż i Humane Society International wysyłają do Ukrainy karmę dla zwierząt, aby złagodzić kryzys w zakresie dobrostanu zwierząt
Sibiu, Rumunia—Rumuński Czerwony Krzyż i organizacja ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International zawarły bezprecedensowe porozumienie, kt ó rego celem jest dostarczenie do Ukrainy niezbędnej karmy dla zwierząt. Ma to pom ó c w walce z pogłębiającym się kryzysem dobrostanu zwierząt. Setki schronisk
Crucea Roșie și Humane Society International trimit hrană pentru animalele din Ucraina
Sibiu, ROMÂNIA—Crucea Roșie Română și organizația pentru protecția animalelor Humane Society International au început o intensă colaborare pentru a introduce alimente vitale pentru animale de companie în transporturile umanitare ce pleacă spre Ucraina, într-un efort de gestionarea a unei crize care
The Romanian Senate votes to support a draft bill to ban chinchilla and mink fur farms
[inline-slider align="alignleft"][/inline-slider] BUCHAREST, Romania—The Romanian Senate has voted in favour of a draft bill to ban chinchilla and mink fur farming, following an investigation by Humane Society International/Europe that exposed shocking suffering on the country’s fur farms. Andreea
Rumänischer Senat stimmt für einen Gesetzesentwurf zum Verbot von Pelzfarmen
BUCHAREST/BERLIN— Der rumänische Senat hat mit großer Mehrheit für einen Gesetzesentwurf gestimmt, der ein Verbot von Chinchillas und Nerzen in Pelzfarmen vorsieht. Vorausgegangen war eine Untersuchung von Humane Society International/Europe, die schockierendes Leid auf den Pelzfarmen des Landes
Il Senato rumeno vota a favore di una proposta di legge per vietare gli allevamenti di cincillà e visoni da pelliccia
BUCHAREST, Romania—Il Senato rumeno ha votato a favore di una proposta di legge per vietare l’allevamento di cincillà e visoni, in seguito alla diffusione di un’indagine di Humane Society International/Europe che ha rivelato le scioccanti sofferenze negli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia del
Rumuński Senat poparł projekt ustawy zakazującej hodowli szynszyli i norek
BUKARESZT, Rumunia—Rumuński Senat zagłosował za projektem ustawy zakazującej hodowli szynszyli i norek na futra, po tym jak zostały ujawnione szokujące wyniki dochodzenia przeprowadzonego przez Humane Society International/Europe na rumuńskich fermach futrzarskich. Andreea Roseti, Dyrektorka HSI
The University of Texas reaches major milestone with half of all meals served being plant based
AUSTIN, Texas—The University of Texas at Austin has set a precedent in sustainable campus dining by becoming the first institution in the nation to fulfill the Forward Food pledge with the Humane Society of the United States. UT Austin now offers 50% plant-based meals on campus, with delicious and
The University of Witwatersrand and HSI Africa launch innovative new green menu at all dining halls
Johannesburg—Today, the University of Witwatersrand (WITS) launched an innovative new Green menu, offering 23 delicious plant-based dishes in all six of its residence dining halls as part of Humane Society International-Africa’s (HSI-Africa) Green Monday South Africa (Green Monday SA) program. One
Third 'super tusker' elephant killed in Tanzania within the past six months
CAPE TOWN, South Africa—It has been reported that another “super tusker” elephant bull, from the Amboseli elephant population, has been shot and killed in the Enduimet Wildlife Management Area in Tanzania. The killing took place during a hunting expedition operated by Kilombero North Safaris and
Trzeci samiec słonia z rekordowymi ciosami zabity w Tanzanii w ciągu ostatnich sześciu miesięcy
KAPSZTAD, WARSZAWA—Ostatnie doniesienia o zabiciu kolejnego samca z rekordowymi ciosami, który należał do populacji z Amboseli, pochodzą z rejonu Enduimet w Tanzanii. Do zabicia słonia doszło podczas wyprawy myśliwskiej prowadzonej przez Kilombero North Safaris i miał w nim brać udział prominentny
Third outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 on a fur farm in Italy, in the municipality of Galeata (FC)
GALEATA, Italy—The World Organisation for Animal Health has announced Italy’s third outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 on a mink fur farm, located in the municipality of Galeata (FC). The farm has been closed since Italy’s national fur farming ban came into force on 1 January this year, with 1,523 minks
Thirteen lucky pups saved from death on South Korean dog meat farm arrive in the UK
MEDIA DOWNLOADS Thirteen dogs saved from being killed and eaten in South Korea have arrived safely in the United Kingdom to start the New Year getting the love and care they deserve. Animal protection charity Humane Society International, accompanied by TV’s Pete Wicks from The Only Way Is Essex
Thirteen spider monkeys regain their freedom in Peten
PETEN, Guatemala—Thirteen spider monkeys ( Ateles geoffroyi), an iconic species in Latin America, were released in the Yaxha Nakum Naranjo National Park, in Peten, Guatemala, after they were rescued from illegal trafficking and went through a rigorous rehabilitation process. These mammals’ release
13 monos araña recuperan su libertad en Petén
PETÉN, Guatemala—Trece monos araña ( Ateles geoffroyi), una especie emblemática para el país y el resto de Latinoamérica, fueron liberados en el Parque Nacional Yaxhá Nakum Naranjo, en Petén, Guatemala, luego de haber sido rescatados o decomisados y pasar por un proceso riguroso de rehabilitación
This Holi, HSI/India says colour your heart with compassion but be fair with your fun around animals
HYDERABAD—With the Holi festival around the corner on 9/10 th March, festive spirits are high and many people are ready to revel in the burst of colours. Unfortunately, the rainbow of coloured powder or gulal that is traditionally used to celebrate Holi can pose a risk to our pets and street animals
Thousands of beach & street dogs in Mauritius visit paradise island’s first ever spay/neuter clinic as luxury hotel to the stars helps charity campaign
MAURITIUS – Thousands of dogs and puppies on the popular paradise island of Mauritius are being spayed and neutered as part of animal charity Humane Society International’s mission to help the government humanely reduce the number of dogs roaming the streets, beaches and hotels. There are an
Thousands of street dogs in Mauritius spared horrific lethal cull as campaigners open new spay/neuter clinic on ‘paradise’ island
Mauritius—The government of the paradise holiday island of Mauritius is suspending a brutal cull of thousands of dogs as part of a partnership agreement with animal campaigners Humane Society International which sees the charity open the island’s first dedicated spay and neuter clinic, to sterilise
Threatened African wildlife on offer at the Safari Club International convention as undercover investigation reveals sale of captive-bred lion hunts and products made from giraffes, elephants, rhinos, stingrays, kangaroos and more
SOUTH AFRICA — As animal protection organizations fight for the survival of many African wildlife species, an undercover investigation by Humane Society International and the Humane Society of the United States has exposed exhibitors peddling wild animal products and pay-to-slay trophy hunts at the