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Plus de 200 animaux exotiques d’un zoo canadien sauvés par Humane Society International suite à une saisie de la SPCA de Montréal pour cruauté et négligence, en vertu du Code criminel
SAINT-ÉDOUARD-DE-MASKINONGÉ, CANADA - Avec le généreux soutien de la Fondation Familiale Eric S. Margolis, Humane Society International/Canada, Les Amis de HSI et HSI monde travaillent de pair avec la SPCA de Montréal sur une saisie d’animaux dans un zoo à Saint-Édouard-de-Maskinongé, au Québec. Le
BREAKING: Prada Group goes fur-free
Milan--Italian luxury fashion house Prada Group – and all its brands, including Prada, Miu Miu, Church's, and Car Shoe – has announced it will no longer use animal fur in its designs or products starting with its Spring/Summer 2020 women’s collection. Humane Society International and the Humane
ÚLTIMA HORA: El Grupo Prada ya no utilizará pieles
Milán – El Grupo Prada, la lujosa casa de moda, junto con todas sus marcas, incluyendo Prada, Miu Miu, Church’s y Car Shoe, anunció que, a partir de febrero de 2020, ya no utilizará pieles de animales en sus diseños o productos, una vez que confeccionen su colección primavera/ verano de 2020 para
Premier Pet se torna a primeira empresa do ramo de pet food a anunciar uma política de ovos livres de gaiolas
SÃO PAULO – A Premiet Pet, uma das maiores empresas de pet food no Brasil, anunciou que utilizará exclusivamente ovos livres de gaiolas em toda a sua cadeia de abastecimento a partir de 2025, tornando-se a primeira empresa do ramo a adotar essa política no Brasil e em toda a América Latina. O
Korea’s first cross-ministerial forum to discuss new legislation supporting non-animal approaches in science to be held on May 30 in Seoul
SEOUL—Korea’s first-ever public forum to discuss replacing animal use in science will be hosted in Seoul at the National Assembly on May 30. Organized by Humane Society International and Korean lawyers’ group People for Non-Human Rights, the forum is co-hosted by members of National Assembly In-soon
과학분야 범부처 동물대체시험 도입과 확산을 위한 국회 토론회 개최
국내 과학연구 분야에서 동물실험 대체 연구를 도입∙확대 촉진하기 위한 법안을 논의하는 국회 토론회가 오는 5월 30일 열린다. 이번 행사는 ‘동물생명윤리를 반영한 4차 산업혁명을 위한 법안 토론회’로 국회의원 남인순, 박경미, 박완주, 이상민, 위성곤, 국회 제4차산업혁명포럼에서 공동주최를 하고 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, HSI)과 동물권연구변호사단체 피엔알이 주관한다. HSI와 피엔알이 제안하는 법안은 독성연구와 바이오 분야에서 동물을 사용하지 않는 비동물(non-animal
Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation takes protest to Chinese Embassy to stop inhumane export of wild baby elephants for captivity
Oscar Nkala LONDON—The Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation will be joined on Friday 24th May by international NGOs, as well as actor and conservationist Dan Richardson, in a silent protest outside the Chinese Embassy against the exploitative export of wild-caught baby elephants from Zimbabwe to foreign
As China’s Yulin dog meat festival approaches, UK charity’s rescue pups from Yulin’s past show happy endings are possible
LONDON — As the Yulin dog meat festival in China’s Guangxi Autonomous Region fast approaches later this month, UK charity Humane Society International/UK shares happy ending stories of some of the dogs its Chinese activist partners have previously rescued from Yulin slaughterhouses. Snorki, Rosie
The President of the Republic of Costa Rica launches Costa Rica Silvestre (Wild Costa Rica), to better protect wildlife
San Jose, Costa Rica - In celebration of Environment Day on June 5, the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, announced the launch of Costa Rica Silvestre (Wild Costa Rica), a digital platform designed to promote healthy coexistence between humans and wildlife, and to better
Costa Rica Silvestre, una iniciativa creada por Humane Society International/Latin America y el Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía, es oficialmente lanzada por el Presidente de la República de Costa Rica en el Día del Ambiente
San José, Costa Rica - En celebración del Día del Ambiente, el 5 de junio, en un acto que contó con la presencia de Ministros y Viceministros de Ambiente y Energía y otros jerarcas de gobierno, el Presidente de la República de Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, anunció, entre otras iniciativas, el
Humane Society International/Canada hails landmark victory as Canada bans whale, dolphin and porpoise captivity
OTTAWA – Canada has passed legislation that bans keeping whales, dolphins and porpoises in captivity for entertainment, as well as the trade, possession, capture and breeding of cetaceans. Today, the House of Commons voted overwhelmingly in favour of Bill S-203, the Ending the Captivity of Whales
Humane Society International/Canada salue une victoire historique suite à la décision du Canada d’interdire la captivité des baleines, dauphins et marsouins
OTTAWA – Le Canada a adopté une loi interdisant la captivité des baleines, des dauphins et des marsouins à des fins de divertissement, de même que le commerce, la possession, la capture et la reproduction des cétacés. Aujourd'hui, la Chambre des communes a voté massivement en faveur du projet de loi
Animal welfare groups in Nepal join multi-faith rally to urge the government to ban religious animal sacrifice
Kathmandu - A rally of multi-faith religious groups, animal welfare organizations, students, teachers and artists took to the streets of Kathmandu to launch the 'Stop Animal Sacrifice’ campaign. The campaign is seeking a ban on all forms of animal sacrifice in public and private spaces throughout
Animal protection organisations furious as Johannesburg Zoo ignores pleas to #FreeLammie, introduces two new elephants to her captivity instead
Johannesburg – Humane Society International/Africa has reacted angrily to the news that Johannesburg zoo has purchased two new elephants to introduce to lone elephant Lammie, instead of heeding the advice of some of the world’s most respected elephant experts by releasing Lammie to the relative
Walmart praised for pledge to sell exclusively cage-free eggs in Brazil
SÃO PAULO—Humane Society International applauds a recent decision by Walmart, Brazil’s third largest retailer, to make a new commitment to animal welfare by pledging to sell exclusively cage-free eggs by 2028 in all of its Brazil locations. This announcement comes after working with HSI and other
Walmart é parabenizado por se comprometer a vender exclusivamente ovos livres de gaiolas no Brasil
SÃO PAULO – A Humane Society International (HSI) aplaude a recente decisão do Walmart, terceiro maior varejista do Brasil, em se comprometer com o bem-estar animal assumindo o compromisso de vender exclusivamente ovos livres de gaiolas em todas as suas lojas no País, a partir de 2028. O anúncio
Yulin dog meat festival rescue mission saves 62 dogs moments away from slaughter
BEIJING—Chinese animal activists have released distressing images from inside a filthy, backstreet dog slaughterhouse in Yulin, China just days ahead of the city holding its annual dog meat festival at which thousands of dogs and cats will be killed and eaten. Download photos and video of the rescue
Friends of HSI, HSI/Canada & Chiots Nordiques complete 18th free veterinary clinic, successfully treating 115 animals in Chisasibi, Qc
MONTREAL – Humane Society International/Canada has just completed its 18 th free veterinary clinic in partnership with Friends of HSI and Chiots Nordiques (northern puppies). The veterinary response team was in Chisasibi – their third visit to date – where dedicated veterinarians, animal health
Les Amis de HSI, HSI/Canada et Chiots Nordiques terminent la 18e clinique vétérinaire gratuite, dont 115 animaux ont profité à Chisasibi, au Québec
MONTRÉAL – Humane Society International/Canada termine tout juste sa 18 e clinique vétérinaire gratuite en partenariat avec Les Amis de HSI et Chiots Nordiques. L’équipe d’intervention vétérinaire s’est rendue à Chisasibi pour la troisième fois. Une équipe de vétérinaires, de techniciens en santé
Humane Society International/Canada annonce une victoire historique pour les requins : l’interdiction du commerce de leurs ailerons au Canada
OTTAWA – Humane Society International/Canada applaudit une victoire législative historique pour les animaux avec l’adoption du projet de loi C-68 présenté par le gouvernement. Ce projet de loi vise à modifier la Loi sur les pêches en incluant des dispositions interdisant la pêche aux ailerons de