Found 3893 results
Free Trade Agreements and the European Union
The European Union is often regarded as a world leader in animal protection issues, and is also one of the largest players in global trade in the world. The EU incorporates provisions on animal welfare, sustainable development, and environmental protection into its trade agreements. HSI sees this
Seal Slaughter in Namibia
The seal slaughter in Namibia is one of the world’s largest remaining commercial seal hunts. In recent years, the annual hunting quota has been set at 85,000 pups and 7,000 adult bulls. However, the Namibian authorities are notoriously secretive about the hunt and have consistently discouraged
Bullfighting: Animal Cruelty Never Justified as Cultural Privilege
Bullfighting -- a horrible spectacle of animal abuse that ends in the slow and tortuous death of an animal provoked and repeatedly gored with knives and swords -- is justly in decline. The torment and stabbing to death of animals for amusement can never be acceptable. In an unbelievable turn of
Volunteer with Wildlife Programs
Volunteering at a wildlife rescue center can be a great opportunity to gain experience working with and caring for animals. It is also an excellent way to support your favorite wildlife causes, as income from paying volunteers is often a major source of funding for wildlife rescue centers. However
Don't Buy Wild: Products, food & exotic pets
It is likely that when traveling, you will want to purchase unique items or sample local/exotic cuisine to enhance your experience and create lasting memories. It is important to be well-informed so that your choices do not harm wildlife. Products & souvenirs Before you purchase that souvenir, stop
World Trade Organization
Sea turtle conservation, seal and dolphin protection, animal health and food safety, and humane sustainable agriculture are examples of environmental- and animal- related issues discussed, negotiated, and sometimes disputed at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO is comprised of 159 member
HSI Latin America Opposes Illegal Wildlife Trade
Latin America is home to many hotspots for the illegal wildlife trade, due to its rich biodiversity and the difficulty of enforcing of wildlife protection laws. Here you can find endemic species such as the pink boa, and other endangered or threatened species, such as leatherback turtles, red-lored
Egg and Dairy-Free Baking
Whatever your reason for leaving dairy and eggs off your plate—to help animals, for the environment, or for health reasons—you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite sweets. In fact, it is easier than you think to prepare dairy-free or egg-free versions of almost any dish or dessert. There are
Stopping Dog Culls in Bangladesh
HSI has been working closely with officials in Bangladesh, where dog bites are very common—many of them causing rabies. With more than 2,000 deaths every year (WHO, 2007), Bangladesh is a country with one of the highest per capita ratios of rabies in humans. Ineffective and cruel With so many rabies
IWC 63: Outcomes and Setbacks
by Rebecca Regnery The 63rd meeting of the International Whaling Commission saw some much-needed modernization of the rules of this more than 60-year-old convention. The member nations also demonstrated continued ability to successfully negotiate and compromise when they put their minds to it
Mark Jones
Mark Jones is executive director of Humane Society International/UK, and is based in London. After qualifying as a veterinarian from the University of Liverpool in 1985, Mark spent three years in companion animal practice before gaining a master's degree in aquatic animal heath and working for 15
Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis in the UK
Badgers are among the most iconic of the UK's wild mammals, but their future is under threat from official plans to slaughter them en masse in a misguided attempt to control tuberculosis in cattle. Measuring up to a meter long, weighing in at 7-14 kg, and with a distinctive black and white striped
Building Bomas to Protect Lions
A boma is a specially designed lion-proof barrier made from strong posts, spiny shrubs, and chain-link fence, with sturdy metal doors which allow herders to secure their animals inside at night. Humane Society International has teamed up with the Born Free Foundation to build seven of these
Shark Finning and the European Union
Update: On 6 June 2013, the Council of the European Union completed the final step to close loopholes in EU shark finning ban. By adopting a "fins naturally attached" policy without exception, the EU has now effectively ended the practice of shark finning by EU vessels. HSI is delighted that this
Tips to keep pets safe during the summer
With summer upon us, Humane Society International reminds people to start thinking about how the warm weather will impact pets. Whether taking a walk, a drive or just hanging out in the backyard, there are extra precautions that people can take to keep their four-legged family members happy and safe
International Whaling Commission 63
The 63rd annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will take place from July 11-14, 2011 in the UK Channel Islands. As we do every year, HSI will have our policy team at the conference to advance whale protection and to address related enforcement and habitat concerns. Thanks to
Fur Trade in Europe
Humane Society International campaigns throughout the United Kingdom and Europe to raise awareness of the cruel and unnecessary fur trade. Every year, more than 50 million animals are raised and slaughtered on industrial factory farms or trapped in the wild so that their pelts can be turned into
Bullfighting in Europe
Humane Society International/UK works internationally to bring an end to the brutal spectacle of bullfighting. Every year, approximately 250,000 bulls are killed in bullfights. At bullfights, the audience cheers as sentient animals are taunted, injured, and often killed. Veterinarians, zoologists
Q&A: Animal Testing of Shellfish Toxins
Q: What is the purpose of testing shellfish for toxins? A: Foods of animal origin are prone to contamination by bacteria and other hazardous substances. This is particularly true in the case of oysters, scallops and other shellfish, which readily accumulate toxic compounds when feeding that can
Bullfighting: A Spectacle of Cruelty in Three Acts
A bullfight is split into three “tercios,” or thirds, with two bullfights per session, each lasting about 20 minutes. Act 1 The matador's (bullfighter’s) assistants provoke the bull using large colorful capes in order to observe the animal’s movements and patterns in the ring. The president, the