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Actor Joaquín Ferreira joins HSI #BeCrueltyFree campaign to ban animal testing for cosmetics in Mexico
MEXICO CITY—Artist, actor and animal lover Joaquín Ferreira, star of the hit Netflix series “Club de Cuervos,” has joined Humane Society International in calling on the Mexican government to outlaw animal testing for cosmetics. HSI’s global campaign, #BeCrueltyFree, has already helped to secure
Over 400 cats receive life-saving care in Mexico City on World Spay Day
Mexico City—To mark World Spay Day, teams of volunteer veterinarians spayed and neutered 409 cats free of charge throughout Mexico City. Local veterinary clinic, Cemegatos, executed the effort with support from Humane Society International. The campaign ran Feb. 22 to Feb. 26 and involved eleven
Chihuahua State passes strong dogfighting legislation
CHIHUAHUA—Humane Society International welcomes the passage of a bill to penalize a host of activities related to dogfighting in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Congresswoman Nadia Xóchitl Siqueiros Loera introduced the bill during a ceremony attended by HSI in August. Dogfighting became a federal
More than 130,000 signatures to ban cruel horse evisceration fiesta in Yucatan
Mexico City—More than 130,000 people are joining with Humane Society International Mexico in calling for a ban of Torneo del Lazo, a horse evisceration spectacle in Yucatan, Mexico. Torneo del Lazo is a bloody and archaic spectacle that takes place throughout the year in various Yucatán
HSI launches campaign to protect wild animals from trafficking trade in Mexico
Humane Society International, a leading international animal protection organization, officially launched “Don’t Buy Wild” (No compres fauna silvestre) campaign in Mexico. The campaign aims to reduce wildlife trafficking by urging people not to buy wild animals as pets or purchase wildlife products
The Humane Society of the United States undercover investigation exposes Petland store for selling sick puppies and sourcing from notorious puppy mills
An HSUS undercover investigator who worked 40 shifts as a kennel attendant at a Petland store in Novi, Michigan, documented sick puppies, dangerous conditions and improper care with a hidden camera. The investigator witnessed puppies being delivered in unmarked vans from out of state, transported in
Indianapolis Councillors honored for commitment to stopping puppy mills
The Humane Society of the United States presents Indianapolis City-County Council Vice President Zach Adamson and Councillor John Barth with the Humane Council Award for their efforts to help animals in Indianapolis by authoring a humane pet store ordinance to end the sale of dogs and cats in pet
動物を使わない試験法は、新たな化粧品と原料の安全性を保証するための、最新の科学技術を象徴するものです。多くの場合、このような動物実験の代替法は、時代遅れの動物実験よりも、より安価で迅速かつ、信頼性が高く、より人に適用しやすく、人体においてどのように化粧品の物質が反応するかをより適切に評価できる試験結果を提供できます。 これまで40以上の動物を使用しない試験の有効性が評価されています。例えば、EpiDermやEPISKINのような人間の肌を再構築したものを用いた皮膚試験もいくつか存在し、また、太陽の光により誘発される光毒性のための「3T3 NRU」試験や、目の腐食性試験のBCOP試験等があります
化学物質や化粧品、殺虫剤や医薬品等の安全性を評価するために、動物を用いる試験が、まだ一般的に行われています。国や分野により試験の要件は異なりますが、安全性の評価が必要な新たな原料には、下記の試験のうちのいくつか、もしくは全て、場合によってはその他の種類の試験も実施されます。試験結果の妨げとなってしまう可能性があるため、通常、鎮痛のための処置は行われず、ほとんどすべての場合で動物は殺されます。 試験の種類 使われる動物 動物に施される処置 試験の目的 皮膚感作性試験 モルモット32 匹 もしくは マウス16 匹 モルモットの場合、試験物質は皮膚の表面に塗布されるか皮膚下に注入され
今でも世界中で、口紅やシャンプーなどの化粧品の試験のために、実験施設で動物が苦しめられ、犠牲になっていることを知っていますか? 動物の口から無理やり化学物質を流し込んだり、点眼したり、また剃った皮膚に物質を塗布したりして、試験が行われています。これが、ヒューメイン・ソサイエティー・インターナショナル(Humane Society International、HSI)の#BeCrueltyFree思いやりのある美しさキャンペーンが終わらせようとしている、化粧品産業の醜い現実です。 Q: 化粧品の「cruelty-free」 (動物に苦痛を与えない)とはどういうこと? A: 「Cruelty
The Need for EU Legislation on Invasive Alien Species
In September 2013, the European Commission adopted a proposal for an EU Regulation on the control and management of ‘invasive alien species’. This legislation has significant implications for animal welfare and could, amongst other things, lead to restrictions on the trade of various exotic pet
About Dogfighting
What is dogfighting? Dogfighting is a sadistic "contest" in which two dogs—specifically bred, conditioned, and trained to fight—are placed in a "pit" to fight each other for the spectators' entertainment and gambling. Fights average one to two hours, ending when one of the dogs will not or cannot
Stopping the spread of intensive confinement
A number of governments around the world, including in Australia, New Zealand, and the European Union, are improving the welfare of farm animals by restricting the use of extreme confinement systems, including barren battery cages for egg-laying hens and sow stalls/gestation crates for breeding pigs
Eating for the Environment
More than 88 billion land animals were raised and slaughtered for food in 2019, resulting in far-reaching environmental impacts. Animal agriculture is a key driver of climate change and a tremendous contributor to deforestation, water pollution and water use. The sector accounts for at least 16
The Asia Canine Protection Alliance
The Asia Canine Protection Alliance is an international alliance of animal protection organisations formed by Humane Society International, Animals Asia Foundation, Soi Dog Foundation, and Change For Animals Foundation. We are committed to improving the welfare of dogs in the region by ending the
Fast Facts on Canada's Commercial Seal Slaughter
About the slaughter With more than one million seals killed in the last five years alone, Canada's commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth. It's a hunt for baby seals. Fully 97 percent of the seals killed in the past five years have been less than three months old
Animals in Transport: Our Campaign
Each year in Canada, around 700 million farmed animals suffer routine abuses and traumas during their transport to auction and slaughter. These animals experience tremendous psychological and physiological stress as they are transported in cramped, overcrowded, unsanitary conditions and can be
Horse Slaughter and the Horsemeat Trade in Europe
The European Union lies at the very heart of the global horsemeat trade. Each year 250,000 horses are killed for their meat in Europe, with many tens of thousands of those horses suffering long-distance transportation to industrialised slaughter plants to feed European consumers. In order to satisfy
Horsemeat: Consumer Safety & Drug Residues
In addition to the cruelty associated with horsemeat imported to the European Union, serious concerns have been raised about human health risks in meat derived from horses of non-EU origin, particularly from the United States. Each year, more than 100,000 horses are shipped across the U.S. border to
Canada's Criminal Code
Canada's animal welfare laws have remained largely unchanged since 1892. Recent amendments have increased penalties, but the application and scope of the current laws remain ineffective. Consequently, under the Criminal Code it is difficult to prosecute even the worst animal abusers. Our laws need