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More than 400 cats spayed in Mexico City on World Spay Day

  • Veterinarians with Koncientizando and Cemegatos sterilize a cat as part of Humane Society International/Mexico's spay/neuter campaign in Mexico City. Anne Guzmán/Koncientizando

  • Two cats picked up from the streets await treatment. Anne Guzmán/Koncientizando

  • Truck at a spay/neuter clinic

    Anne Guzman

    Our mobile spay/neuter clinic truck.

  • Vets and volunteers with cats collected on the streets of Mexico City. Anne Guzmán/Koncientizando


To mark World Spay Day, teams of volunteer veterinarians spayed and neutered 426 cats throughout Mexico City in a campaign supported by Humane Society International Mexico and executed by local organizations Cemegatos and Koncientizando. The campaign spanned from February 25 to March 1 and involved eight veterinarians and 20 assistants.

Dr. Claudia Edwards, DVM, HSI/Mexico programs director, said: “People often misunderstand cats and have prejudices against them, but they are the most extraordinary pets. Cats are often overlooked in spay/neuter efforts and it is important to promote their inclusion in humane population control campaigns.”

World Spay Day shines a spotlight on the power of affordable, accessible spay/neuter services to save the lives of companion animals, community (feral and stray) cats and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in shelters or killed on the street. Mexico has an acute street cat and dog problem, with an estimated 23 million free roaming cats and dogs.

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Media contact: Raúl Arce-Contreras,, (US) +1 301 721 6440

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