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Kraft Heinz commits to a 100 percent cage-free egg supply chain globally

Kraft Heinz, one of the world’s largest food makers, has committed to sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs in its entire global supply chain by 2025. This follows on previous commitments to eliminate the use of cages from their regional egg supply chains in North America, Europe and Latin America.

Chetana Mirle, senior director of farm animals for Humane Society International, said: “We applaud Kraft Heinz for extending their cage-free egg policy commitment to Asia and Africa. By ensuring that their global egg supply chains are 100 percent cage-free by 2025, Kraft Heinz’ latest commitment provides further incentive for egg producers throughout the world to transition to cage-free housing systems that offer higher welfare standards for hens over caged systems.” 

Around the world, the majority of egg-laying hens are confined in wire battery cages. The cages are so small that the hens can’t move freely and are unable to stretch their wings. Each battery cage confines five to 10 egg-laying hens and each animal has less space than a letter-sized piece of paper on which to spend her whole life. Hens confined in battery cages are unable to express important natural behaviors including nesting, dustbathing, and perching. Cage-free systems generally offer hens higher levels of animal welfare than battery cage systems.

Kraft Heinz joins other multinational companies that have committed to global cage-free egg procurement policies including Compass Group, Sodexo and General Mills.

Media contact: Raul Arce-Contreras,