© Michael Pettigrew/iStockphoto
Update: The person has been identified and has been summoned to the police station.
Humane Society International/India is offering a reward of 50,000 INR for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of a person seen in a video strangling a street dog.
A video shared by Fauna Police with HSI/India showed a man in a traffic police uniform suffocating a dog. The video surfaced on Saturday and the incident is reported to have occurred near Sardarpur Bazaar, Sector 45, Noida. The perpetrator is suspected to be a traffic police worker from Delhi or Noida.
In the video, the perpetrator can be seen standing with one foot on the dog’s abdomen to keep the animal immobile and with another foot on the neck, effectively throttling the dog. Witnesses to the incident have reported to the Fauna Police that the man continued to stand on the dog, in spite of being asked by the public not to harm the dog.
Abhinav Srihan, founder, Fauna Police said, “Anyone so callous should be brought to book, regardless of whether they are a civilian or an authority. Anyone with information that will lead us to the identity of the perpetrator of this killing is requested to call us at +91 9212111116.”
Getting the serious attention of law enforcement, prosecutors and residents in cases involving allegations of cruelty to animals is an essential step in protecting the community. The connection between animal cruelty and human violence is well documented. Studies show a correlation between animal cruelty and all manner of other crimes, from narcotics and firearms violations to battery and sexual assault.
HSI/India has been working to raise public awareness through educating communities about the connection between animal cruelty and human violence. It also conducts animal law training programs to build capacity of the law enforcement agencies, educators, legislators and the judiciary. HSI/India offers rewards in animal cruelty cases across the country and works to strengthen laws against animal cruelty. In the past, HSI/India has been successful in identifying and arresting the culprits of the Kerala dog bestiality case, the New Delhi Green park dog stabbing case, the incident involving puppies burnt alive in Hyderabad, and others.
Media Contact: Alokparna Sengupta, asengupta@humaneworld.org