Amanda Chaves de HSI atiende a un perro en Bebedero de Canas, de la provincia Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Kent Gilbert/AP Images for HSI
Grettel Delgadillo de HSI alimenta a un perro en una casa dañada por inundaciones causadas por la tormenta. Kent Gilbert/AP Images for HSI
Trabajando con SENASA y voluntarios del colegio veterinario para repartir comida para animales en Sardinal de Carrillo. Kent Gilbert/AP Images for HSI
Atendiendo a un gato en Obandito. Kent Gilbert/AP Images for HSI
Atendiendo a un caballo en Obandito. Kent Gilbert/AP Images for HSI
Grettel Delgadillo de HSI ayudando a un gato callejero. HSI
Delgadillo visitando una granja afectada por la tormenta. HSI
Animal protection organization Humane Society International/Latin America is sending staff and delivering rescue supplies, including animal food and veterinary medicine, to areas in Costa Rica impacted by Tropical Storm Nate. Working alongside Costa Rica’s Animal Health Department (SENASA) and the National Council of Animal Welfare the teams will focus on bringing relief to animals in rural communities that remain cut off and that lack supplies of water and electricity due to the storm.
Tropical Storm Nate has caused the deaths of at least 32,000 animals and displaced approximately 5,000 animals, according to SENASA, which is still completing its storm assessment.
Grettel Delgadillo, deputy director of HSI/LA, who will be in the field with SENSASA, said: “Most of the areas damaged by Tropical Storm Nate are still isolated, and in dire need of support. We have received reports of many lost, injured, hungry and dehydrated animals in need of immediate care. Humane Society International/Latin America will collaborate with the Costa Rican Government, especially SENASA, during this emergency to help animals in these hard hit communities.”
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The government and HSI/LA team will distribute boxes of emergency relief supplies donated by the public that include cat and dog food, blankets, beds, leashes and collars. HSI/LA is providing kennels, folding tables, gloves, cleaning supplies and medicine kits with veterinary and animal care supplies.
SENASA is urging Costa Ricans to donate animal food and supplies at their offices throughout Costa Rica. People can also deliver their in kind donations in response to the government request to HSI/LA’s office in San Jose (Barrio Escalante, de la esquina este de la Iglesia de Santa Teresita, 100mts Este y 50 Norte, Casa #951). HSI is also accepting donations to support its work in this and other disasters via its International Disaster Relief Fund.
Media contacts:
In Costa Rica: Amanda Chaves, achaves@humaneworld.org, (506) 22 33 03 03
In the USA: Raúl Arce-Contreras, rcontreras@humaneworld.org, +1 (301) 721-6440