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HSI/Mexico helps more than 2,000 animals in the aftermath of earthquakes

  • Paco Colmenares, veterinario con HSI, ayuda a un perro en Jojutla. Victoria Razo, AP Images for HSI

  • Un perro con una pierna fracturada. Victoria Razo, AP Images for HSI

  • Dra. Claudia Edwards ayudando a una vaca. Victoria Razo, AP Images for HSI

  • Paco Colmenares dándole de comer a un perro callejero. Victoria Razo, AP Images for HSI

  • Veterinarios ayudan a un perro. Victoria Razo, AP Images for HSI

  • Cargando comida para mascotas afectadas por el terremoto. Victoria Razo, AP Images for HSI


Update Oct. 1, 2017: HSI/Mexico has assisted more than 3,500 animals impacted by the series of deadly earthquakes in September. Over the weekend, HSI/Mexico veterinarians and volunteers set up clinics in the municipalities of Álvaro Obregón and Xochimilco in Mexico City, and Izúcar de Matamoros in Puebla, treating more than 660 animals. Previously, the team set up clinics in the cities of Jojutla and Tlalquiltenango in Morelos State where they helped more than 800 animals. Over 1,300 animals were also helped in Juchitán, Oaxaca.

MEXICO CITY—A team of Mexican veterinarians from Humane Society International has spent the last four days in Jojutla, Morelos State, providing emergency animal rescue and treatment following the devastation left by the September 19 earthquake that shook Mexico, killing more than 300 people in Mexico City and the neighboring states of Morelos and Puebla. The team set up emergency clinics in Jojutla and nearby communities and provided assistance to 805 animals, mainly cats and dogs, but also doves, horses, chickens, ducks and a parrot.

Veterinarians treated most of the animals brought in to the emergency clinics for fractures, lacerations, infections and other injuries. The team provided 279 animals with food and, in most cases, deworming medication Defensoría Animal, IFAW Mexico, Presencia Animal, Proyecto Nenuki and Dr. Casaubon’s clinic coordinated with HSI/Mexico to set up the clinics. HSI/Mexico received support from Ayudemos a México (Let’s Help Mexico), through which various organizations collected food and supplies.

Dr. Claudia Edwards, program director of HSI/Mexico, who led the veterinary team on the ground, said: “Amid the terrible devastation produced by the earthquake, and despite so many people losing their homes and loved ones, we were really touched to see the love and care the community had for its pets. Their willingness to help us treat and care for injured animals inspired our work. I am glad we could assist hundreds of pets, which are an immense source of comfort for the community in this painful situation, and also farm animals.”

Please help animals affected by disaster in Mexico and worldwide.

The shortage of veterinarians and veterinary supplies available in Jojutla prompted HSI to set up the clinics and bring in supplies. The team brought six dogs from homes that were destroyed and whose owners can no longer keep them back to Mexico City. The dogs, including five Chihuahuas and one boxer, will be placed for adoption with the help of Koncientizando, a local organization.

HSI also deployed a team of veterinarians to Oaxaca following the powerful September 7 earthquake that shook that region. The team set up an emergency clinic and provided treatment for 1,350 animals, mainly cats and dogs in Juchitán, Oaxaca. HSI/Mexico conducted the operation in coordination with Defensoría Annimal and Topos K9.

HSI Mexico’s response to both earthquakes has reached 2,155 animals so far. More help will be channeled to affected areas throughout this week.

Media Contact: Raul Arce-Contreras,, 240-620-3263