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Media Room

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Press Release
In Colombia, Horses Pull Too-Heavy Loads

by Alexandra Rothlisberger Animal Traction Vehicles, or Vehiculos de Traccion Animal (VTA), have long been a hot topic with animal welfare groups in Colombia. Better known as VTAs, these carts with four car tires are used to carry heavy loads of recycling

Jennifer Kunz
Horse Slaughter in Canada

With nearly 72,000 horses slaughtered in 2013 alone, Canada’s horse slaughter industry is among the largest in the world, and a shameful betrayal against our loyal companions. Horses are slaughtered in Canada primarily to provide horse meat to European and Asian countries

Dolphins underwater
Shane Gross/iStockphoto Photographer
Marine mammals and noise

In recent years, whale strandings associated with nearby naval sonar use have increased public concern about the impacts of human-caused noise on marine mammals, especially sound-sensitive whales and dolphins. Whales and dolphins rely heavily on their sense of hearing to navigate, locate

Orcas Belong in the Wild

by Naomi Rose Since 1964, killer whales, also known as orcas, have been entertaining people in theme park performances, showing off their dramatic black and white markings and beautiful acrobatics. But the glamor of the show has hidden what goes on behind

Animal Testing Q&As

Q&A: Cosmetic & Product Testing Q&A: Cruelty-Free Spring Clean Q&A: Animal Testing of Chemicals Q&A: Animal Testing of Pesticides and Biocides Q&A: Animal Testing of Shellfish Toxins Q&A: The AXLR8 Project Toxicity Testing Resource Centre

Generosity and Compassion

by Rebecca Aldworth Every day at the shelter gets better, because of you. As our dedicated team of staff and volunteers faces the tremendous challenge of caring for well over 500 rescued dogs and puppies, we are making major improvements each day

Rescued Animals Receive Buddhist Blessings

by Iris Ho Humane Society International has been working with Buddhist communities in both the U.S. and Asia since 2009 to address our concerns about the Buddhist practice of “ mercy release.” The release ritual, based on the Buddhist belief that freeing

Quebec Dog Rescue Slideshow

In September 2011, HSI Canada, in partnership with the Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du Quebec and local law enforcement, rescued more than 500 dogs and puppies from a large-scale commercial breeding facility in Outaouais, Quebec. Here, we present

Safe at the Shelter

by Rebecca Aldworth As I look around the emergency shelter HSI helped to build, I am overwhelmed by the ability of dogs to forgive. For I've seen firsthand in the past few days what they have endured. And these are images I

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI