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Press Release
Badgers and the Bern Convention

It’s not only badgers that are at risk from the UK government’s policy of killing the animals across large areas of countryside, in its misguided attempt to control TB in cattle. Badgers are key members of the ecosystems they inhabit. Indeed they

What You Can Do to Protect Badgers

Speak out against the badger cull The annual culling of badgers began in areas of Gloucestershire and Somerset in 2013 with contractors shooting badgers under a four year licence issued by Natural England. An additional licence was issued for an area of

Saying Yes to Culture, No to Cruelty: Teocelo Bans Bull Fiestas

by Alexandra Rothlisberger This past August, we visited the Mexican municipality of Teocelo to support Mayor Cristian Teczon’s decision to replace animal cruelty spectacles with music, dance and artistic performances. Teocelo, located in the Mexican state of Veracruz, has a little over

25 Actions to Help Animals and HSI

All of us can make a difference for animals in our everyday lives, whether it's by adopting a pet, choosing products not tested on animals, eating with conscience or engaging the community in animal protection issues. With so many widespread problems facing

HSI Makes a Difference for Dogs in Mexico

by Alex Rothlisberger Seniso is the epitome of the Mexican roaming dog. His ears are covered in ticks, he looks thin and dehydrated, and he has a gash a few inches wide on his back full of pus. Every day, he wanders

First-Ever International Workshop on Elephant Immunocontraception Held in South Africa

It is ironic that, while elephant populations in many African and Asian countries are increasingly threatened by poaching for the illegal ivory trade, those herds confined to parks and reserves continue to grow and, if unchecked, can exceed available food and space

Fast Facts on Gestation Crates in Canada

More than 1.4 million breeding sows are kept on Canadian farms, the majority of them confined in cages know as gestation crates. A gestation crate is a metal stall measuring approximately 0.7 m (2 ft) by 2m (7 ft)—barely larger than a

Ban Gestation Crates

Pigs are extremely smart, social animals capable of feeling fear, pain, and stress. Studies show that they are more intelligent than dogs and even some primates, and scientists have demonstrated that pigs are capable of playing simple video games, learning from each

Jaulas en Batería en América Latina

En América Latina, millones de gallinas ponedoras de las granjas industriales viven confinadas de manera permanente en pequeños recintos de alambre llamados jaulas en batería. Las jaulas en batería son tan hacinadas que las gallinas no logran caminar, hacer ejercicio o estirar

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI