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Our Impact

We are creating that world through engagement with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the 27 EU member states. We also collaborate with many non-governmental organizations, corporations, animal advocates and more.


European countries have banned fur farming


cats and dogs in Romania received care (including spay/neuter, food and other services) from us in 2024 alone


EU citizens signed a petition demanding a Europe without animal testing

What we are working on

We envision a world without animal cruelty, where humans and animals live in harmony. We are focusing our efforts in the European Union on a few key areas.

Mink on a fur farm

Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals

Ban fur farming and sales

In 2023, we helped create and deliver a petition with more than 1.5 million signatures asking the European Commission to ban fur farming and sales, and we’re lobbying the Commission to propose an EU-wide ban on fur production.

rabbits getting cosmetic tested

Siqui Sanchez/Getty Images

Phase out testing and research on animals

Each year, more than 10 million animals are used across Europe for research and testing. With the support of collaborators and the many Europeans asking for change, we’re pushing the EU to phase out all laboratory use of animals and rely on more modern, human-relevant science.

Wolf head and skins at Dallas Safari Club Convention 2020


Ban imports of hunting trophies

We are also campaigning for bans on the import of hunting trophies into EU member states and collaborating with the transportation industry to prohibit the transport of hunting trophies. And we’re combating wildlife trafficking, providing resources for animals in underserved communities, helping animals in Ukraine and more. 

S. Chakrabarti/We Animals Media

End caged confinement of farm animals

Around 40% of the EU’s 397 million laying hens are still confined to enriched cages, and while Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg have phased out cage systems, egg-laying hens in other countries still suffer in cages. We’re urging the European Commission to fulfill its promise to share legislative proposals to end caged confinement.

Where we work

Humane World for Animals is working to end cruelty across Europe. We engage with policymakers, advocates, nonprofits, supporters and companies in all 27 EU countries, Switzerland and Ukraine. Learn more about our work in our regional offices.

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Photo by Volodymyr Burdiak/Alamy Stock Photo/