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Durchbruch im Tierschutz: Rumänien verbietet die Pelztierzucht!

BUCHAREST/BERLIN—Humane Society International/Europe (HSI/Europe) feiert heute einen monumentalen Sieg für den Tierschutz in Rumänien. Um 12 Uhr Ortszeit (11 Uhr MEZ) stimmte das rumänische Parlament

Victory: Romania bans fur farming!

BUCHAREST/BRUSSELS—Humane Society International/Europe is celebrating a monumental victory for animal protection in Romania today, as the Romanian Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to ban chinchilla

Victorie: România interzice fermele de blănuri!

BUCUREȘTI—Humane Society International/Europe sărbătorește astăzi o victorie majoră pentru protecția animalelor din România, după ce Parlamentul României a votat cu o majoritate covârșitoare pentru

Projekt ustawy zakazującej importu i sprzedaży futer z Wielkiej Brytanii ma zostać przedstawiony brytyjskiemu parlamentowi

LONDYN—Projekt ustawy zakazującej importu i sprzedaży futer w Wielkiej Brytanii zostanie przedstawiony parlamentowi przez Ruth Jones, reprezentantkę Partii Pracy z Newport West i Islwyn. Organizacja

Humane Society International/Europe si congratula con Britta Jaschinski per aver vinto il premio Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 nella categoria Fotogiornalismo

BRUXELLES/ROMA—Humane Society International/Europe si congratula con la fotografa Britta Jaschinski per aver vinto il prestigioso premio Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 nella categoria

Humane Society International/Europe congratulates Britta Jaschinski on winning the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award 2024 for ‘Photojournalism of the Year’

BRUSSELS—Humane Society International/Europe congratulates photographer Britta Jaschinski on winning the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 award in the “Photojournalism” category

Combattimenti fra cani: appello al Ministro Nordio perché introduca procedure chiare per la gestione degli animali sequestrati

ROMA—Humane Society International/Europe e Fondazione Cave Canem Onlus, impegnate nella prevenzione e repressione dei combattimenti fra cani con il progetto IO NON COMBATTO, ringraziano il

Humane Society International: badania potwierdzają, że fermy futrzarskie stanowią zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzi

WARSZAWA—Międzynarodowa organizacja ochrony zwierząt, Humane Society International/UK, przypomina, że wyniki najnowszych badań powinny być „poważnym sygnałem ostrzegawczym” dla rządów, i skłonić

EU decision to reduce wolf protections ignores calls for coexistence and will undermine conservation efforts

BRUSSELS—European Union Member States have agreed by majority to support the European Commission's proposal to reduce the protection status of wolves under the Bern Convention. Humane Society

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI