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Rebecca Aldworth

Executive Director, Humane Society International/Canada

Rebecca Aldworth is the Executive Director of Humane Society International/Canada. For more than a decade, she has been a firsthand observer of Canada's commercial seal hunt, escorting more than 100 scientists, parliamentarians and journalists to the ice floes to witness the slaughter.

Aldworth has testified before the Canadian House of Commons and a large number of European Parliamentarians on the humane, economic and environmental aspects of the Canadian seal hunt, published numerous position papers and articles on the seal hunt in publications including the Toronto Star and the International Herald Tribune and lectured at many universities and other institutions on animal protection issues. She has appeared on the Montel Williams Show and was featured in People Magazine.

Aldworth builds coalitions within the animal and environmental protection community and helps coordinate international efforts to close seal product markets. She works with government agencies to enforce legislation preventing trade in marine mammal products.

Aldworth has founded two animal protection groups in Canada. She is a recipient of the 2004 Jean Taymans award for animal welfare and in 2006 was named one of nine Eco Heroes by Alternet.

Prior to joining HSI Canada, Aldworth served as Seal Campaigner for the International Fund for Animal Welfare for seven years. As a director of Global Action Network, she also worked on a number of other animal protection issues including factory farming, the fur trade and animals in entertainment—helping to block the construction of a captive dolphin facility in Quebec, achieving municipal bans of animals in entertainment in three Canadian municipalities and convincing more than 300 Canadian retailers to remove fur products from their stores.  

Aldworth studied Fine Arts at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec.