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Press Release
The Canadian Grizzly Bear Hunt

Few animals personify the beauty and grandeur of the Canadian wilderness as well as the grizzly bear. Their strength and beauty, their devotion to their young and their intelligent curiosity enrich our lives and inspire us. Sadly, in Canada, there are fewer


Why ecotourism? Latin America contains the world's two highest concentrations of biodiversity, with well over 700 animal species found nowhere else in the world. With little access to infrastructure and markets, communities often engage in activities that are harmful to these animals

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

The international commercial wildlife trade is worth billions of dollars annually and has been responsible for the decline of wild populations of a number of species of animals and plants. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and

Canada's Fur Industry

Every year in Canada, more than 3 million animals are killed by the fur industry. These animals suffer tremendously, all in the name of “fashion.” Two horrifying "harvesting" methods Although the fur industry does its best to keep the cruelty out of

Cat and Dog Fur in Canada

Since 1997, Humane Society International has investigated and documented the international trade in dog and cat fur. Our extensive, widely reported undercover investigation has spanned the globe from source countries such as China, the Philippines, and Thailand to retailers and wholesalers in

No Battery Eggs: Resources

Learn more about the cruelty of battery eggs and find resources to avoid them: Cage-Free Egg Production vs. Battery Cage Egg Production Scientists and Experts on Battery Cages [PDF] A Comparison of the Welfare of Hens in Battery Cages and Alternative Systems[PDF]

Lights Out Toronto

Migratory birds and city lights Every year, thousands of birds are injured or killed on migratory pathways when they became confused by city lights. Many more birds are killed by collisions with buildings than by oil spills. In fact, an estimated one

Gestation Crates in Canada

Each year in Canada, more than 1 million sows are subjected to some of the cruelest farming practices yet devised by the agriculture industry. These unfortunate animals are intensively confined throughout their pregnancies in metal stalls so small that the sows are

Foie Gras in Canada

Paté de foie gras, translated from French, means "fatty liver." This so-called gourmet delicacy is undeniably the product of extreme animal cruelty. Force-fed cruelty Factory foie gras farms intensively raise ducks and geese in large, enclosed barns. For the last few weeks

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI