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Canadian Safari Club chapter shuts down elephant trophy hunt auction following protests

The Safari Club International chapter in Calgary has just shut down its planned auction of the first elephant hunt in...

BREAKING NEWS: Dept. of Transportation moves to end breed discrimination on airlines

The Department of Transportation today announced its plan to issue new regulations that would prohibit airlines from banning...

Protecting equines
As racehorse death toll continues to climb, Congress moves to salvage the 'sport of kings'

Horses dying at the racetracks with alarming frequency is a sadly familiar scenario of late, but even by that measure the...

Twenty-five years after their return, Yellowstone wolves face new challenges

It is exactly 25 years this month since 14 wolves from Canada were brought to Yellowstone National Park, an area that had not...

Animals in research
New building makes room for more chimpanzees to retire at Project Chimps

I arrived at Project Chimps yesterday just as dinner was being served to its residents: 79 retired research chimpanzees who...

HSI responders saving koalas, kangaroos and other animals in wildfire-ravaged Australia

The Humane Society International rescue team's reports from Australia’s Kangaroo Island describe an "apocalyptic" scene. Once...

Farmed animal welfare
Breaking news: Court rules California’s foie gras ban will stand

A federal judge has just shut down the latest challenge to California’s foie gras ban, in an important ruling that reaffirms...

States, localities step up to help pets left outside in the cold

Each year, as winter settles in and temperatures drop dangerously low in parts of the country, we hear heartbreaking reports...

Norwegian company fires U.S. executive amidst rising public sentiment against trophy hunting

Public disapproval of trophy hunting and the havoc trophy hunters wreak on the world’s endangered and threatened wildlife is...