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Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) passes with potential benefits for animal protection sector

The $2 trillion emergency stimulus bill that cleared Congress earlier today carries important prospective benefits for the...

To prevent another pandemic, global leaders should crack down on wildlife trade

At the G20 coronavirus meeting today, global leaders, including President Trump, brainstormed on ways to control the pandemic...

In new role at the USFWS, trophy hunters’ lawyer will guide U.S. global policy on wildlife

The Trump administration’s course on wildlife policy, riddled with handouts to trophy hunters, took another wrong turn last...

More localities end puppy mill sales in pet stores, taking total to more than 350

The fight to wipe out puppy mills passed a critical milestone this month: more than 350 American localities now ban the sales...

For participants' safety, HSUS cancels Animal Care Expo 2020 as coronavirus pandemic continues

With the country in the grip of the coronavirus for an indefinite period, we’ve decided to cancel Animal Care Expo 2020, our...

Fosters step up as shelters around the country struggle to cope with coronavirus crisis

Cary Smith already cares for six dogs at home, but when she heard a plea from the Homeward Trails Animal Rescue in Fairfax...

Animals in research
Breaking news: Mexican Senate passes bill to outlaw cosmetics testing

Mexico took a giant step toward ending animal testing for cosmetics yesterday, with the Senate voting unanimously to ban such...

Protecting equines
As scandals in horse racing escalate, trainers join calls for reform

The recent indictment of more than two dozen people, including racehorse trainers and veterinarians, in a widespread doping...

Animals in research
Congress should act fast to protect animals in puppy mills, roadside zoos and research labs during coronavirus crisis

As the COVID-19 crisis escalates, we are asking Congress to act quickly on an important bill that would ensure that millions...