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Report: Puppy mill revenues decline as states, localities move to end pet store dog sales

A recent industry publication paints a grim picture for the future of puppy mills, after several hundred localities and three...

HSUS, HSLF urge federal consumer protection agency to crack down on Petland and other dishonest puppy sellers

Pet stores like Petland and internet puppy sellers routinely deceive unsuspecting customers into buying animals who are bred...

Missouri proposes opening its small black bear population to trophy hunters

Missouri has proposed a hunting season on its small and still-recovering population of black bears, who were once nearly...

Farmed animal welfare
As slaughterhouses continue to spread coronavirus, plant-based foods are a safe, humane alternative

This week, the Washington Post and New York Times reported rampant coronavirus spread at meatpacking plants, and efforts by...

Missouri moves to shut down Horrible Hundred puppy mill for keeping dogs in filthy conditions

Just days after the release of our annual Horrible Hundred report, Missouri’s attorney general has sued to shut down one of...

Breaking news: U.S. will allow cruel trophy hunting practices to kill hibernating bears and wolf pups on Alaska's federal lands

The Trump administration has just delivered a one-two punch to Alaska’s wildlife: it has announced that it will release a...

Breaking news: Chinese provinces announce plans to buy out wildlife breeders, end trade in wild animals for food

Four Chinese provinces will offer farmers a government buy-out or other financial help to stop breeding wild animals like...

Roadside zoos lure in visitors amidst the pandemic, at great risk to animals and people

Last week, the Oklahoma roadside zoo where Joe Exotic bred tiger cubs, ripped them from their mothers as soon as they were...

The Endangered Species Act is in its own fight for survival; help us save and strengthen it

Imagine our world and its wildlife without the protections of the Endangered Species Act. Had it not been for this bedrock...