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As Hurricane Dorian approaches Florida, make plans to keep your pets safe

Update: The Humane Society of the United States is coordinating an evacuation of approximately 80 animals out of three...

Six puppy mills cited in Horrible Hundred report close doors

Despite a steep decline in our government’s oversight of businesses like puppy mills, our own work to shut down these...

Giraffes, elephants and other animals win big at global wildlife trade conference

The world’s largest wildlife trade conference has just wrapped up in Geneva and as our own Humane Society International team...

Farmed animal welfare
Amazon wildfires illustrate dangers of deforestation for meat production

As the world looks on in horror at images of Brazil’s Amazon rainforest engulfed in flames, many are asking why this...

U.S. proposes new rule to save endangered right whales

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson Right whales are critically endangered, with no more than 400 individuals surviving along...

Animals in research
Washington Post reveals White House may have meddled to stop USDA inspectors from helping suffering animals

There are new and explosive revelations about the lengths the Trump administration may be going to in order to prevent U.S...

Protecting equines
Mustangs survive the slaughter pipeline and neglect to return to a life of freedom

In June, Humane Society of the United States responders were called in to assist with the rescue of more than 150 horses...

Breaking: HSUS, other groups sue Trump administration for weakening Endangered Species Act

Last week, the Trump administration fired its latest salvo in an ongoing war on wildlife by finalizing regulations that...

Breaking news: Association of Zoos and Aquariums announces ban on bullhooks for elephants

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums announced this morning that it will phase out the use of bullhooks on elephants at its...