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Alianza entre Humane Society International-Latin America y el Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación – SINAC para la conservación de la vida silvestre en Costa Rica
El Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación – SINAC – ha establecido una alianza de trabajo con Humane Society International-Latinoamérica (HSI-LA) a través de la firma de un acuerdo de cooperación para el manejo y conservación de programas de vida silvestre en Costa Rica.Andrea Borel, directora
Hoteles ESTELAR se abastecerá exclusivamente de huevo libre de jaula
Hoteles ESTELAR, anunció el día de hoy su compromiso para cambiar a una cadena de suministro 100% libre de jaula para huevo (líquido y en cáscara), de acá al año 2022. Durante los próximos años, la compañía trabajará en conjunto con sus proveedores de huevo así como con Humane Society International
Las Islas Baleares votan para eliminar la tauromaquia
El Parlamento de las Islas Baleares ha votado a favor de medidas legislativas que imposibilitan la realización de la tauromaquia en esta comunidad autónoma. Esta legislación sustituye una abolición directa debido a que el Tribunal Constitucional español ha dictaminado previamente que las regiones no
Humane Society International aplaude la política de huevo libre de jaula de Taco Holding, operadora de Krispy Kreme, Carl’s Jr. México
Humane Society International da la bienvenida al anuncio de la importante empresa mexicana de alimentos Taco Holding referente a su transición a una cadena de suministro exclusivamente de huevo de gallina libre de jaula para el 2025. La nueva política la empresa mejorará los estándares de bienestar
JBS se compromete a una cadena de suministro de huevo 100 por ciento libre de jaulas
JBS, una de las compañías de alimentos más grandes del mundo, se ha comprometido a abastecerse exclusivamente de huevo libre de jaulas a lo largo de su cadena de suministro para el 2020. Esta política surge después de pláticas con Humane Society International (HSI) y otras organizaciones de
UC Berkeley commits to 50% plant-based dining by 2027
BERKELEY, California—The Humane Society of the United States is excited to announce its collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley as they set a goal of transitioning 50% of entrees offered in dining commons on campus to be plant-based by 2027. They are the first school in the
Just in time for the holidays: 27 dogs rescued from a dog meat farm arrive in the U.S. in search of loving homes
Media Downloads: Dogs Arriving in the U.S. and Settling in at Care Center Dogs Leaving South Korea at Incheon Airport Rescue at the Dog Meat Farm WASHINGTON―One month after the South Korean government announced a bill to ban the dog meat industry, 27 dogs rescued by Humane Society International from
Breaking: Gov. Hochul signs historic bill to end wildlife killing contests in New York
ALBANY, New York—Today Gov. Kathy Hochul signed critical legislation (A.2917/S.4099) ending wildlife killing contests for coyotes, foxes, bobcats, squirrels, raccoons, crows and other species in New York. This historic new law prohibits competitive events during which contestants compete to kill the
Proposition 12 fully implemented
WASHINGTON — On January 1, California’s 2018 ballot measure Proposition 12, which set landmark prohibitions on the sale of food products from farm animals locked in cruel and extreme confinement, will be fully implemented in the state. Proposition 12’s egg and veal provisions have been in place for
Shocking undercover investigation reveals physical abuse and poor conditions of captive sloths used for public interactions at New York facility
NEW YORK—The Humane Society of the United States released the findings of a recent undercover investigation at Sloth Encounters in Hauppauge, New York, owned by Larry Wallach. The investigator captured disturbing footage of staff hitting sloths, stressed sloths kept in crowded conditions, sloths
The Humane Society of the United States launches extensive ad campaign backing legislation for cage-free eggs in Maryland
MARYLAND—The Humane Society of the United States is launching a six-figure advertising campaign to advocate for legislation aimed at ensuring that eggs produced or sold in Maryland meet cage-free standards. Advocates are determined that the proposed bill SB 193/HB TBD, sponsored by Maryland Sen
Three Ohio families file lawsuits alleging Petland sold sick puppies and engaged in deceptive sales tactics
The Humane Society of the United States is working with an Ohio-based law firm to provide legal assistance to three Ohio families in lawsuits alleging Petland, Inc. engaged in fraudulent and misleading sales practices and sold the families sick puppies. The Humane Society of the United States tracks
Shocking undercover investigation reveals illicit elephant ivory sold across Connecticut
HARTFORD, Connecticut—Today the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International released alarming results of an undercover investigation at 29 Connecticut stores, revealing the illicit sale of elephant ivory, as well as bone and teeth from other imperiled species. Elephant ivory
Dozens of cats and large dogs rescued in alleged severe neglect situation in Topeka, Kansas
TOPEKA, Kan.—The Humane Society of the United States is assisting the Topeka Police Department in rescuing dozens of cats and dogs in an alleged severe neglect situation in Topeka, Kansas. Local authorities served a search and seizure warrant on a residential property at approximately 8 a.m. on Jan
Gov. Kotek called on to address growing disease risks on mink farms
SALEM, Ore.—Wildlife-advocacy and animal-protection groups sent an urgent letter today calling on Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek and state officials to address mink fur farms’ escalating threats to public health and wildlife. The groups are asking the governor to fast-track phasing out commercial mink fur
Gray wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains denied federal protections
Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced it would not be relisting wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains under the Endangered Species Act, after the Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club petitioned the Fish
Town of Islip asks New York Supreme Court to hold Sloth Encounters owner Larry Wallach in contempt of court
ISLIP, New York—Today the Humane Society of the United States learned that the Town of Islip has asked the Supreme Court of the State of New York to find Sloth Encounters owner, Larry Wallach, in criminal contempt of court for continuing to exhibit sloths and other wild animals in violation of local
Legal action launched to protect wolves in northern Rocky Mountains
Four conservation and animal protection groups today notified the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that they plan to sue over the agency’s denial of their petition to protect gray wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains under the Endangered Species Act. “It’s beyond frustrating that federal officials
Indiana animal welfare organizations unite against controversial pro-puppy mill bill, HB 1412
The Humane Society of the United States joins Hoosier animal shelters, rescues and local governments in strongly opposing HB 1412. This cruel bill would force cities and counties across Indiana to allow pet stores to sell puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers, voiding ordinances in 21 Indiana
BREAKING: Max Mara urged to drop cruel fur in largest global anti-fur campaign ahead of Fashion Weeks in New York, London, Milan and Paris
LONDON―Ahead of Fashion Weeks in New York, London, Milan and Paris, the largest ever global anti-fur consumer campaign has been launched to urge fashion house Max Mara to go fur-free. The campaign is headed by animal charities Humane Society International, the Humane Society of the United States and