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Yulin Dog Meat Festival Provokes Global Fury
For the last two mornings, Adam Parascandola, director of animal protection and crisis response for Humane Society International, has woken up at 3 a.m. in China to bear witness to one of the most horrific scenes you can imagine: the slaughter of thousands of dogs—and cats—for the Yulin dog meat
Yulin dog meat festival rescue mission saves 62 dogs moments away from slaughter
BEIJING—Chinese animal activists have released distressing images from inside a filthy, backstreet dog slaughterhouse in Yulin, China just days ahead of the city holding its annual dog meat festival at which thousands of dogs and cats will be killed and eaten. Download photos and video of the rescue
Yves Saint Laurent and Brioni drop fur, to make global luxury leader Kering Group completely fur free
PARIS—Kering, one of the world’s largest luxury fashion companies and parent company to some of the biggest names in fashion–including Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta and Brioni– announced today that it is going completely fur-free. The announcement is a
Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation takes protest to Chinese Embassy to stop inhumane export of wild baby elephants for captivity
Oscar Nkala LONDON—The Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation will be joined on Friday 24th May by international NGOs, as well as actor and conservationist Dan Richardson, in a silent protest outside the Chinese Embassy against the exploitative export of wild-caught baby elephants from Zimbabwe to foreign
Безкоштовна ветеринарна допомога домашнім улюбленцям українських біженців
Оновлення: план діятиме до 31 грудня 2024 року. Українські біженці, які втекли від війни зі своїми домашніми улюбленцями, можуть отримати безкоштовну ветеринарну допомогу у країнах Європи завдяки “Ветеринари для українських тварин”. Скачати листівку. “Ветеринари для українських тварин” покриють
Kostenlose tierärztliche Versorgung für Haustiere ukrainischer Geflüchteter
Aktualisierung: Dieses Programm wurde bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 verlängert. Dank der Initiative Vets for Urkrainian Pets können Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine ihre mitgebrachten Haustiere in vielen europäischen Ländern von Tierärzt*innen kostenlos behandeln lassen. Flyer herunterladen. Vets for
Cure veterinarie gratuite per gli animali domestici dei rifugiati ucraini
Aggiornamento: il programma è stato prorogato fino al 31 dicembre 2024. I rifugiati ucraini che sono fuggiti dalla guerra con i loro animali domestici possono accedere a cure veterinarie gratuite nei paesi europei grazie a “Vets for Ukrainian Pets”. Scarica il volantino. “Vets for Ukrainian Pets”
Bezpłatna opieka weterynaryjna dla zwierząt domowych uchodźców z Ukrainy
Aktualizacja: Program ten został przedłużony do 31 grudnia 2024 r. Ukraińscy uchodźcy, którzy uciekli przed wojną ze swoimi zwierzętami domowymi, mogą korzystać z bezpłatnego leczenia weterynaryjnego we wszystkich krajach Europy dzięki programowi Vets for Ukrainian Pets. Pobierz ulotkę. Program Vets
Îngrijire veterinară gratuită pentru animalele de companie ale refugiaților ucraineni
Actualizare: Acest program a fost prelungit până la 31 decembrie 2024. Refugiații ucraineni care au fugit din calea războiului împreună cu animalele lor de companie pot avea acces la tratament veterinar gratuit în țări din Europa, datorită programului Vets for Ukrainian Pets. Descarcă flyer. Vets
‘Free Willy’ Bill banning captivity of whales and dolphins clears Senate
OTTAWA – Canada has reached the halfway mark in prohibiting the captivity of whales and dolphins in Canada with the majority of Senators voting in support of Bill S-203, Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act. The proposed legislation would ban the captivity of whales and dolphins for
‘Huge Victory’ for wildlife celebrated by animal protection, environmental groups as health Canada announces strychnine poisoning ban
OTTAWA, Ontario—Wolf Awareness, WeHowl, Animal Justice, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Humane Society International/Canada and Animal Alliance of Canada are applauding a decision by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency to cease the use of the poison strychnine for killing
Viet Nam’s first certified cage-free egg brand launched by V.Food in consultation with HSI
HO CHI MINH CITY—One of the largest egg suppliers and processing companies in South Viet Nam, Vinh Thanh Dat (V.Food), has joined the global cage-free movement by launching their first certified cage-free egg brand in the country. The project is freeing thousands of hens from cages in the first year
Viet Nam’s first commercial cage-free barn has been launched by Nam Huong with technical support from Humane Society International
HO CHI MINH CITY—Viet Nam is joining other Southeast Asian countries in the movement to promote cage-free eggs with the opening of the country’s first cage-free barn. Most of the more than 8 billion eggs that are produced in Viet Nam annually are laid by hens kept in wire, battery cages, which are
Virtual lion joins African elephants and black rhinos in urging the EU Commission to restrict imports of trophies from species at risk of extinction
BRUSSELS—Today, on International Endangered Species Day, Humane Society International/Europe is launching a new image under its #NotInMyWorld campaign featuring the image of an African lion trophy who has been packaged for shipping. The #NotInMyWorld campaign aims to raise awareness about the
Virtueller Löwe schließt sich afrikanischen Elefanten und Spitzmaulnashörnern an und fordert die EU-Kommission auf, die Einfuhr von Trophäen vom Aussterben bedrohter Arten zu stoppen.
BERLIN—Am heutigen Internationalen Tag der bedrohten Tierarten lanciert Humane Society International/Europe im Rahmen ihrer #NotInMyWorld-Kampagne für ein Importverbort von Jagdtrophäen ein neues Bild, das eine afrikanische Löwentrophäe zeigt, die für den Versand verpackt worden ist. Die Kampagne
International Endangered Species Day: Humane Society International/Europe rilancia la campagna #NotInMyWorld per vietare l’importazione dei trofei di caccia
BRUXELLES—Oggi, in occasione dell’International Endangered Species Day, la giornata dedicata a riportare l’attenzione sulle molte specie minacciate di estinzione, Humane Society International – Europe vuole sottolineare l’impatto deleterio della caccia al trofeo e rilancia la campagna #NotInMyWorld
Wirtualny lew dołącza do afrykańskich słoni i nosorożców, wzywając Komisję Europejską do ograniczenia importu trofeów z gatunków zagrożonych wyginięciem
KRAKÓW—20 maja, w Międzynarodowym Dniu Zagrożonych Gatunków, organizacja broniąca praw zwierząt, Humane Society International/Europe upubliczniła wizerunek kolejnego bohatera kampanii #NieWMoimŚwiecie, której celem jest wprowadzenie zakazu importu trofeów łowieckich z gatunków chronionych do Unii
Vital Ground and the Trust protect key grizzly habitat in Montana’s Yaak Valley
MISSOULA, Montana —Tucked amid the rugged mountains and dense forest of Montana’s northwestern corner, the Yaak Valley hosts one of North America’s smallest, most vulnerable grizzly bear populations. Biologists estimate that just 25-30 grizzlies endure in the Yaak and studies show them to be largely
Volunteer with the HSI/Canada Animal Rescue Team
Fill out a volunteer application now Important note: At times when the Animal Rescue Team is deployed, an extended delay in processing new volunteer applications is likely. Thank you for your patience. Volunteers work with the HSI/Canada Animal Rescue Team to help animals who have been the victims
Volunteer with Wildlife Programs
Volunteering at a wildlife rescue center can be a great opportunity to gain experience working with and caring for animals. It is also an excellent way to support your favorite wildlife causes, as income from paying volunteers is often a major source of funding for wildlife rescue centers. However