Found 3903 results
Illegal dog slaughterhouse in Dalian, China shut down in zero-tolerance crackdown by animal campaigners and local police
DALIAN, China – Law enforcement in Dalian, China and local animal protection group VShine have shut down an illegal dog slaughterhouse in the city after a tip-off from an outraged citizen. Dalian law enforcement and Vshine have worked together for years to promote animal welfare, and the city
Celebrities and NGOs worldwide call for G20 ‘international whaling intervention’ as summit host Japan launches new whale killing programme
LONDON -- Celebrities and animal conservation and welfare NGOs from across the globe are calling for an ‘international whaling intervention’ to be staged at the G20 summit in Osaka as summit hosts Japan prepare to launch a renewed commercial whaling programme.[1] The programme will see Japan openly
Government action needed to curb explosion in “cruelest of cruel” animal tests in South Korea, says Humane Society International
SEOUL — Korean laboratory animal statistics published this week by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs revealed record-high animal use in 2018, and that one in every three animals in a Korean laboratory (38%) is subject to a chemical poisoning experiment – the most severe category of
2018년 실험동물 372만마리 사용, 매년 증가 추세. 과학 발전의 걸림돌
농림축산식품부가 25일 2018년 실험동물실태 조사결과를 발표했다. 발표에 따르면 2018면 실험동물 사용 수는 전년도와 비교하여 20.9% 증가한 수치로 매년 큰 폭으로 증가하는 추세이다. 이 중에서 법적으로 요구되는 필수실험에서의 동물 사용이 38%로 3마리 중 1마리의 실험동물이 진통제가 주어지지 않는 최고 고통 등급 실험에 사용 되었다. 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, HSI)은 분야별 실험동물 사용 현황 파악의 필요성을 농림축산식품부에 지속적으로 요청하였으며, 구체적인
Outrage meets Japan’s declared commercial whaling quota of 227 whales
WASHINGTON – Responding to Japan’s announcement of a self-awarded commercial whaling quota of 227 whales for 2019, in defiance of the International Whaling Commission’s conservation authority, Humane Society International’s President Kitty Block said: “ This is a monstrous violation of global norms
BREAKING VIDEO: South Korea shuts down notorious Gupo dog meat market in latest crack down on increasingly unpopular dog meat trade; more than 80 dogs saved from slaughter
SEOUL – South Korean authorities have shut down Gupo dog meat market in Busan, notorious for being one of the country’s largest markets selling chilled dog meat as well as live dogs killed to order. More than 80 live but terrified dogs were rescued as part of a negotiated closure with the dog meat
Humane Society International welcomes EU-Vietnam trade deal as a tool to tackle illegal wildlife trade
Brussels - Humane Society International/Europe and Humane Society International/Vietnam have cautiously welcomed the signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement in Hanoi on Sunday 30 June. While this trade deal offers little beyond cooperation, technical assistance and capacity building with
Good news from Iceland: No whaling this season
Good news in our work means animals thrive and we therefore celebrate it. That’s how it was for me this morning when I woke up to the report that there will be no whaling in Iceland this summer. Something my colleagues at Humane Society International and I have fought since Iceland resumed whaling
Animal charity Humane Society International wins Brand of the Year at the World Branding Awards Animalis Edition
VIENNA–Global animal charity Humane Society International has been declared “Brand of the Year” at this year’s Animalis Edition of the prestigious World Branding Awards 2019, in recognition of its leading contribution to the protection of animals around the world. With programs in more than 50
Humane Society International defends the use of the “cage-free” label on eggs in Brazil
SÃO PAULO—Humane Society International, a leading global animal protection organization, urges the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) to reverse its administrative decision to limit the use of the term "cage-free" on labelling of eggs. The label allows producers to meet
HSI /India’s dog population survey shows 97% of all street dogs in Nainital are sterilized and vaccinated
NAINITAL—A survey carried out by Humane Society International/India and Nagar Palika Parishad, Nainital to estimate the sterilized population of street dogs in Nainital in June 2020 and August 2020 shows that 97.91% of street dogs are sterilized and vaccinated across all 15 wards of the city. This
Die Massentierhaltung birgt Risiken für die öffentliche Gesundheit
BERLIN/WASHINGTON—Die weltweite Abhängigkeit von der Massentierhaltung, in der Tausende von stressbelasteten Tieren auf engstem Raum gehalten werden, bietet den perfekten Nährboden für Viren, die künftige Pandemien auslösen können. Staats- und Regierungschefs müssen die Maßnahmen zur Umstellung der
Intensive animal agriculture could spark the next pandemic, says new report, recommending major global shift to more plant proteins
WASHINGTON—The world’s addiction to intensive animal farming, in which thousands of stressed animals are kept in close proximity, is the perfect breeding ground for future pandemics, and world leaders must accelerate action to shift global diets towards more plant-based foods, says a white paper
Nuovo rapporto: L’allevamento intensivo potrebbe scatenare la prossima pandemia, necessaria la transizione verso le proteine vegetali
ROMA—La dipendenza mondiale dai sistemi di allevamento intensivi, in cui migliaia di animali dello stesso genotipo vengono tenuti a stretto contatto ed in situazioni di stress e scarso benessere, rappresenta un rischio reale per lo sviluppo di future pandemie. Questo è quanto emerge dal nuovo
Wild elephants relocated – and contracepted
CAPE TOWN— A wild herd of elephants that roamed in Limpopo’s Atherstone Game Reserve has been translocated by Global Supplies - Conservation Initiatives to a safe haven through the collaborative efforts of the Elephant Reintegration Trust, global animal welfare organisation Humane Society
On World Egg Day, Barilla recognized for animal welfare leadership with Henry Spira Award by the Humane Society of the United States
PARMA–Italian food group Barilla, the world’s largest pasta manufacturer, is the recipient of this year’s Henry Spira Humane Corporate Progress Award, a recognition given by the Humane Society of the United States to companies that adopt policies which have a significant positive impact on animals
In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Uovo, Barilla riceve dalla Humane Society of the United States il premio Henry Spira per la leadership dimostrata in tema di benessere animale
PARMA, 8 ottobre 2020–Il gruppo alimentare italiano Barilla, il più grande produttore di pasta al mondo, è il ricevente del premio Henry Spira per il Progresso Aziendale Sostenibile di quest'anno, un riconoscimento conferito dalla Humane Society of the United States alle aziende che adottano
Barilla recognized for cage-free progress and animal welfare leadership
SÃO PAULO—Italian food group Barilla, the world’s largest pasta manufacturer, is the recipient of the Henry Spira Humane Corporate Progress Award, recognition given to companies that adopt policies that have a significant positive impact on the farm animals in their supply chains. Humane Society
Sodexo Canada and HSI/Canada announce national partnership to add more plant-based food options to menus nationwide
MONTRÉAL—Sodexo Canada and Humane Society International/Canada are excited to announce a new national partnership that will elevate plant-based menu options in Sodexo’s accounts across the country. As part of the partnership, HSI/Canada’s Forward Food program will train Sodexo chefs on plant-based
Le programme HSI/Forward Food du Canada appuiera les opérations de services alimentaires de Sodexo dans l’introduction d’articles de menu délicieux et durables
MONTRÉAL (13 octobre 2020)—Sodexo Canada et la Société internationale de protection des animaux/Canada sont heureuses d’annoncer un nouveau partenariat national qui rehaussera les options de menu végétal dans les comptes de Sodexo partout dans le pays. Dans le cadre du partenariat, le programme HSI