Found 3904 results
Organizations come together to help laboratory animals in South Korea
SEOUL—Animal protection organization Humane Society International/Korea (HSI/Korea), cosmetics brand Lush Korea and civic group People for Non-human Rights (PNR) have teamed up for laboratory animals by launching a petition to support the Act on the Promotion of Development, Dissemination and Use of
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, ‘동물대체시험법 촉진법’ 서명 캠페인 전개
국제동물보호단체 ‘휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(이하 HSI)’은 ‘동물대체시험법 개발 및 보급, 이용 촉진에 관한 법률’ 제정안(이하, 동물대체시험법 촉진법안) 통과를 촉구하는 서명 캠페인을 8월 5일 목요일부터 전개한다. 본 캠페인은 프레쉬 핸드메이드 코스메틱 브랜드 러쉬코리아(Lush Korea), 동물권연구변호사단체 피엔알과 함께한다. 농림축산검역본부 실험동물 실태 조사에 따르면 실험동물 수는 2016년 약 287만 마리에서 2020년 약 414만 마리로 약 44% 증가했다. 미국이나 유럽에 제약회사는 사람의 신체 기능을
Research collaboration aims to improve well-being for elephants and co-existence with people
CAPE TOWN—Humane Society International/Africa (HSI/Africa) and the Elephant Reintegration Trust (ERT) have joined forces in a research project that could change the way that elephants are managed in South Africa in the future. Nine reserves are currently part of the research project, with more due
Einer der bekanntesten Löwen in Simbabwe fiel Trophäenjäger zum Opfer
BERLIN—Der international bekannte und 12-jährige Löwe namens Mopane wurde letzte Woche von einem mutmaßlich amerikanischen Trophäenjäger außerhalb des Hwange-Nationalparks in Simbabwe geschossen. Die Umstände erinnern an die Tötung des Löwen Cecil vor sechs Jahren im selben Gebiet und haben einen
Another majestic lion was killed in Zimbabwe, allegedly by an American hunter
WASHINGTON—A majestic lion named Mopane was allegedly killed by an American hunter outside of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe last week. Mopane’s death has sparked international outcry with details surrounding his killing similar to those of Cecil the lion, slaughtered in 2015 in the same area
Un altro possente leone è stato ucciso in Zimbabwe, presumibilmente da un cacciatore americano
ROMA—Un possente leone di nome Mopane sarebbe stato ucciso da un cacciatore americano fuori dal Parco Nazionale di Hwange, nello Zimbabwe, la scorsa settimana. La morte di Mopane ha suscitato proteste internazionali; i dettagli emersi sulla sua uccisione sarebbero simili a quelli del leone Cecil
Kolejny lew zabity dla trofeum przez amerykańskiego myśliwego w Zimbabwe
KRAKÓW—Znany turystom i przewodnikom turystycznym lew o imieniu Mopane, który żył w Parku Narodowym Hwange w Zimbabwe został zabity przez amerykańskiego myśliwego. W tym celu wywabiono zwierzę z obszaru parku. Ta historia przypomina trgiczne zdarzenie z udziałem lwa Cecila zabitego w podobnych
Another majestic lion was killed in Zimbabwe, allegedly by an American hunter
LONDON—A majestic lion named Mopane was killed allegedly by an American hunter outside of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe last week. Mopane’s death has sparked international outcry with details surrounding his killing similar to those of Cecil the lion, slaughtered in 2015 in the same area. With
Chilean bill banning cosmetics animal testing passes initial Health Commission review with unanimous support
SANTIAGO DE CHILE—A federal cruelty-free cosmetics bill championed by Humane Society International and Te Protejo passed the first stage of review by the Health Commission within the Chilean Chamber of Deputies with bipartisan political support, regulatory backing and the support of cosmetics
Dog meat traders to be prosecuted for the first time in Indonesian history after truck with 78 dogs intercepted by police
KULON PROGO, Indonesia—Indonesia’s first ever prosecution of dog meat traders under animal health laws is set to go ahead, officials have confirmed, in what the country’s animal campaigners hope will be a major turning point in the demise of the brutal trade. Kulon Progo District Police intercepted
More than 50 global NGOs call on COP26 to formally acknowledge animal agriculture as major climate change contributor at this year’s conference
LONDON—More than 50 animal protection, environmental and food justice organisations from around the globe have written to Rt. Hon. Alok Sharma MP, president of the COP26 climate change conference organised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), calling on the UNFCCC
Luxury German online fashion retailer Mytheresa pledges to go fur-free from Spring/Summer 2022
MUNICH—Luxury German online fashion retailer Mytheresa has announced it is going fur-free. The platform of more than 200 international designers will be phasing out existing fur inventory by the end of 2022. The ban will cover fur from factory-farmed animals such as mink, fox, chinchilla, muskrat
More than 100 cross-party MPs and Peers call on UK Government to ban fur sales and imports in Britain
LONDON—A group of more than 100 cross-party MPs and Peers has written to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Rt Hon George Eustice MP calling on the UK Government to cut Britain’s ties with the cruel fur industry by banning the import and sale of animal fur. Humane Society
Dog meat farm which killed Korea’s “national breed” Jindo dogs for the menu at a local restaurant, closes following cruelty charges
SEOUL—A dog meat farm on South Korea’s famous Jindo Island, which for more than 20 years bred and slaughtered Jindo dogs for human consumption despite them being the country’s national dog breed, has closed its doors for good after coming to an agreement with Humane Society International/Korea and
Chiuso allevamento che macellava cani della razza nazionale coreana Jindo per il menu di un ristorante locale
SEOUL—Un allevamento di cani da carne sulla famosa isola di Jindo, in Corea del Sud, ha chiuso definitivamente i battenti dopo aver allevato e macellato cani dell’omonima razza, destinati al consumo umano, per più di 20 anni, nonostante si trattasse della razza canina nazionale del paese. La
Humane Society International i LIFE ratuje 65 psów z okrutnej hodowli klatkowej
SEUL—Aż 65 psów udało się uratować z psiej farmy w Korei Południowej na wyspie Jindo, znanej jako rzeźnia psów zabijanych na mięso. Dzięki akcji organizacji zajmujących się ochroną praw zwierząt Humane Society International/Korea i koreańskiej grupy obrońców praw zwierząt LIFE, psy czeka bezpieczna
Dove und The Body Shop fordern gemeinsam mit den weltweit führenden Tierschutzorganisationen die EU auf, tierleidfreie Kosmetik in Europa zu schützen.
BERLIN—Dove und The Body Shop haben sich PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International/Europe, Eurogroup for Animals und ECEAE (die insgesamt 100 Mitgliedsorganisationen aus 26 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten* vertreten) angeschlossen. Schnellstmöglich werden eine Million europäische Bürger*innen
Dove and The Body Shop unite with the world’s leading animal protection groups and call on the EU to save cruelty-free cosmetics in Europe
Dove and The Body Shop have joined PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International/Europe, Eurogroup for Animals and the ECEAE (representing a total of 100 member organisations from 26 EU member states*) to urgently mobilise 1 million European citizens and save cruelty-free cosmetics in
Dove e The Body Shop si uniscono alle principali organizzazioni mondiali per la protezione degli animali e chiedono all'UE di salvare i cosmetici cruelty-free in Europa
Dove e The Body Shop si sono uniti a PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International/Europe, Eurogroup for Animals e l’ECEAE (che rappresentano un totale di 100 organizzazioni di 26 stati membri dell'UE*) per mobilitare urgentemente 1 milione di cittadini europei e salvare i cosmetici
HSI donates more than 16 tons of food to help dogs and cats during pandemic lockdown
SANTIAGO, Chile—Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared worldwide in 2020 more than 3,900 animals and counting have been fed and assisted thanks to donations made by Humane Society International. This effort was made possible by generous aid provided by Mars, Incorporated to HSI to help communities