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Mexican Chamber of Deputies passes historic Constitution change for animals

Mexico’s Constitution is one step closer to enshrining animal protection, granting Congress to enact animal welfare laws, and mandating humane education in schools

Victoria Razo/AP Images for HSI

Update (11/26/24): 17 State Congresses have approved this historic amendment, which means the bill has passed, since it had already been approved by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International/Mexico celebrates a landmark victory for animal protection in Mexico as the Chamber of Deputies officially approved a constitutional reform on animal welfare. This historic reform would, for the first time, enshrine animal welfare in Mexico's Constitution, strengthening the nation's commitment to protecting animals from cruelty and neglect. The constitutional amendment introduces significant changes to articles 3, 4 and 73, formally enshrining animal protection and empowering Congress to legislate on animal welfare. The reform also establishes humane education as a mandatory guideline in all educational institutions nationwide. By granting animal protection the highest importance in Mexico’s legal framework, the reform safeguards the legal protection granted to animals from being easily undone by future legislation. As the Constitution defines a nation’s most important values and ideals, this constitutional reform serves as a strong symbol of a growing societal shift towards empathetic and caring attitudes with regards to animals, positioning Mexico as a leader in animal welfare legislation. Anton Aguilar, executive director at HSI/Mexico, stated: "This is a historic moment for animal protection in Mexico that sets a powerful precedent for future generations. With this constitutional reform, the government has taken a significant step toward ensuring that the protection and welfare of animals become a priority in public policy. This landmark constitutional reform has the power to transform the lives of millions of animals—from street dogs and cats enduring cruelty, disease and neglect, to the billions of farmed animals exploited for food, and the countless wildlife threatened by illegal trade. On behalf of these animals, we are grateful to the Chamber of Deputies and the countless advocates who have fought for this reform, and we look forward to seeing this bill passed in the Senate shortly." HSI/Mexico has advocated for this reform, together with civil society organizations including Igualdad Animal and Movimiento Conciencia, by reaching out to legislators and mobilizing public support through online petitions in English and Spanish that gathered tens of thousands of signatures. The new President of Mexico, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, announced on her first day in office that she would prioritize passing this bill as one of the 100 top commitments of her administration. Today this promise is much closer to being fulfilled, pending approval by the Senate and two-thirds of the State legislatures, as required for constitutional amendments. HSI/Mexico will continue working alongside the government to ensure these new protections are effectively adopted, implemented and enforced. ENDS Media contact: Magaly Garibay: +52 5538762199;