Michael Bernard/HSI Canada
MONTREAL—HSI/Canada and Chiots Nordiques (“Northern Puppies”) will travel to the remote Quebec First Nations community of Unamen Shipu (La Romaine) to conduct a sterilization clinic for stray and wandering dogs.
Because of a lack of access to veterinary services (the area is only accessible by plane) the community of Unamen Shipu had to resort to inhumane methods of dog management to control their street dog populations. In recent years, the animals were at risk of being killed.. But now there is hope for these dogs, with the community fully committed to spay–neuter as a lasting and humane solution. Many rural areas with limited access to resources resort to culling street dogs because they feel they have no other option.
Ewa Demianowicz, senior campaign manager for HSI/Canada, said: “We are proud to support such an important initiative and work with the people of Unamen Shipu who have been truly determined to find a humane model for dog population management. This remote First Nations community is only accessible by plane and has no veterinary services on site, which led to a dog overpopulation crisis with an estimated over 200 dogs roaming freely. The mass sterilization clinic organized by Chiots Nordiques and HSI/Canada will tackle this problem by humanely reducing the dog population and preventing suffering.”
Dr. Daphnée Veilleux-Lemieux—Chiots Nordiques, added: “For close to six years now, our volunteers have been working hard to help dogs in need through targeted and regular spay-neuter clinics. The support of our many partners, as well as the collaboration of communities and their commitment to helping these animals, is essential to the program’s success. Communities that have participated in these clinics are now managing canine populations thanks to this amazing team effort. Chiots Nordiques aspires to offer not only quality care for the dogs of Unamen Shipu, but also help improve public safety.” This clinic will have positive, long-term results and prevent the suffering of countless dogs. Not only is this humane approach more effective than a cull, it’s also much less traumatic for the dogs and the people of La Romaine.
Media Contact: For interview requests, please call or email Christopher Paré – office: 514 395-2914 x 206 / cell: 438 402-0643, email: cpare@hsi.org