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Press Release
Support Strong for an End to Wild Animal Acts in British Circuses

The number of circuses touring with wild animal acts in Britain has declined significantly in recent years, from 20 in 1997 to three as of December 2011. Among them, the three circuses are thought to use in the region of 40 wild

Farm Animal Welfare: Science & Research

For comprehensive reports on animal agribusiness and its toll on farm animal welfare, the environment, and public health, browse through our Research Library below. Each report is available online as a downloadable PDF. Animal Agriculture Overview The Environmental, Public Health, and Social

About the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary

For more than 20 years, SanWild has been rescuing orphaned, injured, neglected and abused wild animals and then, once their health is restored, releasing the animals into the large sanctuary to spend the rest of their life in settings largely free of

Bull at Toro Jubilo Festival
ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Stock photo
Fire Bull Fiesta

Many thousands of animals are tormented and killed at local fiestas held across Spain every year. At fire bull fiestas, bulls have flaming torches attached to their horns and are goaded as they attempt to escape the flames licking above their heads

Swim-with-the-Dolphins Attractions

HSI is strongly opposed to captive swim-with-the-dolphins attractions and believes these programs, even if strictly regulated, pose an immediate threat to the safety of both human and dolphin participants. Life in the wild HSI opposes the capture of all marine mammals from

Join Us on a Humane Travels Tour

At this time, we are no longer offering trips to SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa. Please still consider donating to help the animals at SanWild. If you are interested in Humane Travels with HSI, please email us at Read about

Don't Buy Wild

Illegal wildlife trade generates more than USD $10 billion annually, third behind only the illegal drug and arms trades. While many people knowingly contribute to such trade, unsuspecting customers can easily buy items like ivory trinkets and turtle shell products in stores

Don't Buy Wild Guide

The global trade in wildlife parts and products is hugely detrimental and many travelers unknowingly participate in this trade. Wildlife and wildlife products may be legal to sell in certain countries, but bringing these items home with you may be illegal or

Top Five Reasons to Use a Community Ecotourism Operator

In HSI’s Wildlife Ecotourism section, we work with local NGOs in developing countries to help communities create ecotourism products that are unique, exciting, and beneficial for people, animals, and the environment. To find out the five most compelling reasons to try this

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI